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2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
-- Test bench for PRNG Trivium.
use std.textio.all;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tb_trivium is
end entity;
architecture arch of tb_trivium is
type output_vector is record
pos: natural;
data: std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
end record;
type output_vectors is array (natural range <>) of output_vector;
type test_vector is record
key: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
iv: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
data: output_vectors(0 to 3);
end record;
type test_vectors is array (natural range <>) of test_vector;
2016-11-29 09:23:25 +01:00
-- This is a small subset of the test vectors from
-- the ECRYPT stream cipher project.
constant testvec: test_vectors(0 to 4) := (
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
0 => ( key => x"0053A6F94C9FF24598EB",
iv => x"0D74DB42A91077DE45AC",
data => ( ( pos => 0, data =>
x"F4CD954A717F26A7D6930830C4E7CF08" &
x"19F80E03F25F342C64ADC66ABA7F8A8E" &
x"6EAA49F23632AE3CD41A7BD290A0132F" &
x"81C6D4043B6E397D7388F3A03B5FE358" ),
( pos => 65472, data =>
x"C04C24A6938C8AF8A491D5E481271E0E" &
x"601338F01067A86A795CA493AA4FF265" &
x"619B8D448B706B7C88EE8395FC79E5B5" &
x"1AB40245BBF7773AE67DF86FCFB71F30" ),
( pos => 65536, data =>
x"011A0D7EC32FA102C66C164CFCB189AE" &
x"D9F6982E8C7370A6A37414781192CEB1" &
x"55C534C1C8C9E53FDEADF2D3D0577DAD" &
x"3A8EB2F6E5265F1E831C86844670BC69" ),
( pos => 131008, data =>
x"48107374A9CE3AAF78221AE77789247C" &
x"F6896A249ED75DCE0CF2D30EB9D889A0" &
x"C61C9F480E5C07381DED9FAB2AD54333" &
x"E82C89BA92E6E47FD828F1A66A8656E0" ))),
1 => ( key => x"80000000000000000000",
iv => x"00000000000000000000",
data => ( ( pos => 0, data =>
x"38EB86FF730D7A9CAF8DF13A4420540D" &
x"BB7B651464C87501552041C249F29A64" &
x"D2FBF515610921EBE06C8F92CECF7F80" &
x"98FF20CCCC6A62B97BE8EF7454FC80F9" ),
( pos => 192, data =>
x"EAF2625D411F61E41F6BAEEDDD5FE202" &
x"600BD472F6C9CD1E9134A745D900EF6C" &
x"023E4486538F09930CFD37157C0EB57C" &
x"3EF6C954C42E707D52B743AD83CFF297" ),
( pos => 256, data =>
x"9A203CF7B2F3F09C43D188AA13A5A202" &
x"1EE998C42F777E9B67C3FA221A0AA1B0" &
x"41AA9E86BC2F5C52AFF11F7D9EE480CB" &
x"1187B20EB46D582743A52D7CD080A24A" ),
( pos => 448, data =>
x"EBF14772061C210843C18CEA2D2A275A" &
x"E02FCB18E5D7942455FF77524E8A4CA5" &
x"1E369A847D1AEEFB9002FCD02342983C" &
x"EAFA9D487CC2032B10192CD416310FA4" ))),
2 => ( key => x"00000000000000000000",
iv => x"00000000000000000000",
data => ( ( pos => 0, data =>
x"FBE0BF265859051B517A2E4E239FC97F" &
x"563203161907CF2DE7A8790FA1B2E9CD" &
x"F75292030268B7382B4C1A759AA2599A" &
x"285549986E74805903801A4CB5A5D4F2" ),
( pos => 192, data =>
x"0F1BE95091B8EA857B062AD52BADF477" &
x"84AC6D9B2E3F85A9D79995043302F0FD" &
x"F8B76E5BC8B7B4F0AA46CD20DDA04FDD" &
x"197BC5E1635496828F2DBFB23F6BD5D0" ),
( pos => 256, data =>
x"80F9075437BAC73F696D0ABE3972F5FC" &
x"E2192E5FCC13C0CB77D0ABA09126838D" &
x"31A2D38A2087C46304C8A63B54109F67" &
x"9B0B1BC71E72A58D6DD3E0A3FF890D4A" ),
( pos => 448, data =>
x"68450EB0910A98EF1853E0FC1BED8AB6" &
x"BB08DF5F167D34008C2A85284D4B886D" &
x"D56883EE92BF18E69121670B4C81A568" &
x"9C9B0538373D22EB923A28A2DB44C0EB" ))),
3 => ( key => x"00000000000000000000",
iv => x"80000000000000000000",
data => ( ( pos => 0, data =>
x"F8901736640549E3BA7D42EA2D07B9F4" &
x"9233C18D773008BD755585B1A8CBAB86" &
x"C1E9A9B91F1AD33483FD6EE3696D659C" &
x"9374260456A36AAE11F033A519CBD5D7" ),
( pos => 192, data =>
x"87423582AF64475C3A9C092E32A53C5F" &
x"E07D35B4C9CA288A89A43DEF3913EA92" &
x"37CA43342F3F8E83AD3A5C38D463516F" &
x"94E3724455656A36279E3E924D442F06" ),
( pos => 256, data =>
x"D94389A90E6F3BF2BB4C8B057339AAD8" &
x"AA2FEA238C29FCAC0D1FF1CB2535A070" &
x"58BA995DD44CFC54CCEC54A5405B944C" &
x"532D74E50EA370CDF1BA1CBAE93FC0B5" ),
( pos => 448, data =>
x"4844151714E56A3A2BBFBA426A1D60F9" &
x"A4F265210A91EC29259AE2035234091C" &
x"49FFB1893FA102D425C57C39EB4916F6" &
x"D148DC83EBF7DE51EEB9ABFE045FB282" ))),
4 => ( key => x"0558ABFE51A4F74A9DF0",
iv => x"167DE44BB21980E74EB5",
data => ( ( pos => 0, data =>
x"A850A970ABCF5F73BCC5DB76F6B5E856" &
x"362F1B36AC498D05C20FBE7763598DE1" &
x"FD98B03CC54060E8C9C19B16490C665C" &
x"3636A03BAB46656A695ED75F0E659F04" ),
( pos => 65472, data =>
x"D5F687A689F19C4F2258E212C3FAD8BA" &
x"68625155CC92A43F282BB0F2F6851D4B" &
x"6E748CE6E0774590F9A6F38DD1DA63BB" &
x"B1C977697A5CE4BABE127A1201AE7520" ),
( pos => 65536, data =>
x"FE6E274131503C78178A5678020DC3E2" &
x"E151B621C9DFC0DE065EADB396A149CD" &
x"FB92E0009ECFC50237C81B0067B07E0E" &
x"794AF78468E88B9E472E723ABC73C21A" ),
( pos => 131008, data =>
x"85E6891E2A605CF81224112E596B40A6" &
x"8C9D971AFC4376220B8160DCB36D55C0" &
x"4B0C21AF68A2EC38B4145F32BEDCE260" &
x"12CF2151D6768E4CD025114C5E3149A5" )))
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
signal clk: std_logic;
signal clock_active: boolean := false;
signal x1_rst: std_logic;
signal x1_reseed: std_logic;
signal x1_newkey: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x1_newiv: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x1_out_ready: std_logic;
signal x1_out_valid: std_logic;
signal x1_out_data: std_logic_vector(0 downto 0);
signal x8_rst: std_logic;
signal x8_reseed: std_logic;
signal x8_newkey: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x8_newiv: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x8_out_ready: std_logic;
signal x8_out_valid: std_logic;
signal x8_out_data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal x64_rst: std_logic;
signal x64_reseed: std_logic;
signal x64_newkey: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x64_newiv: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal x64_out_ready: std_logic;
signal x64_out_valid: std_logic;
signal x64_out_data: std_logic_vector(63 downto 0);
-- Convert bit vector to hexadecimal string.
function to_hex_string(s: std_logic_vector)
return string
constant alphabet: string(1 to 16) := "0123456789abcdef";
variable y: string(1 to s'length/4);
for i in y'range loop
y(i) := alphabet(to_integer(unsigned(s(s'high+4-4*i downto s'high+1-4*i))) + 1);
end loop;
return y;
end function;
-- Reverse order of 8-bit groups within long bit vector.
function flipbits(x: std_logic_vector) return std_logic_vector is
variable y: std_logic_vector(x'length-1 downto 0);
for p in 0 to x'length / 8 - 1 loop
y(p*8+7 downto p*8) := x(x'high-p*8 downto x'high-p*8-7);
end loop;
return y;
end function;
-- Force interpretation of string literal.
function force_str(s: string) return string is
return s;
end function;
-- Test one of the instances of the RNG.
procedure test_inst(signal s_rst: out std_logic;
signal s_reseed: out std_logic;
signal s_newkey: out std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal s_newiv: out std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
signal s_ready: out std_logic;
signal s_valid: in std_logic;
signal s_data: in std_logic_vector;
variable num_errors: inout natural)
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
constant nbit: natural := s_data'length;
constant init_duration: natural := 4 * 288 / nbit;
variable lin: line;
variable p: natural := 0;
variable bitpos: natural;
variable vk: natural;
variable w: std_logic_vector(511 downto 0);
variable wp: natural;
-- Initialize inputs.
s_reseed <= '0';
s_newkey <= (others => '0');
s_newiv <= (others => '0');
s_ready <= '0';
-- End reset.
wait until falling_edge(clk);
s_rst <= '0';
-- Loop over test vectors.
for k in testvec'range loop
write(lin, force_str("key = "));
write(lin, to_hex_string(testvec(k).key));
writeline(output, lin);
write(lin, force_str("iv = "));
write(lin, to_hex_string(testvec(k).iv));
writeline(output, lin);
-- Reseed generator, except for first test vector.
-- First test vector runs on initial seed.
if k /= 0 then
s_reseed <= '1';
s_newkey <= flipbits(testvec(k).key);
s_newiv <= flipbits(testvec(k).iv);
wait until falling_edge(clk);
s_reseed <= '0';
s_newkey <= (others => '0');
s_newiv <= (others => '0');
end if;
-- Give generator time to complete initialization.
for i in 0 to init_duration loop
assert s_valid = '0'
report "Generator indicates VALID too early";
if (p mod 3 = 0) or (p mod 5 = 0) or (p mod 17 = 0) then
s_ready <= '0';
s_ready <= '1';
end if;
wait until falling_edge(clk);
p := p + 1;
end loop;
-- Start generating random bits.
bitpos := 0;
-- Start looping over output vectors.
vk := testvec(k).data'low;
while vk <= testvec(k).data'high loop
-- Generate a block of bits.
assert s_valid = '1' report "Output not VALID";
if (p mod 3 = 0) or (p mod 5 = 0) or (p mod 17 = 0) then
-- Skipping this clock cycle.
s_ready <= '0';
-- Consuming data this clock cycle.
s_ready <= '1';
if bitpos >= testvec(k).data(vk).pos * 8 then
-- Store bits in block.
wp := bitpos - testvec(k).data(vk).pos * 8;
assert wp = 0 or wp >= nbit
report "Invalid test vector offset";
assert wp + nbit <= w'length
report "Invalid test vector offset";
w(wp+nbit-1 downto wp) := s_data;
end if;
bitpos := bitpos + nbit;
end if;
wait until falling_edge(clk);
p := p + 1;
if bitpos = testvec(k).data(vk).pos * 8 + w'length then
-- Reached end of current output vector.
-- Dump output data to screen.
write(lin, force_str("out["));
write(lin, testvec(k).data(vk).pos, right, 6);
write(lin, force_str("] = "));
write(lin, to_hex_string(flipbits(w(127 downto 0))));
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
writeline(output, lin);
for tk in 1 to w'length / 128 - 1 loop
write(lin, force_str(" "));
write(lin, to_hex_string(flipbits(
w(128*tk+127 downto 128*tk))));
writeline(output, lin);
end loop;
-- Check against expected output vector.
assert w = flipbits(testvec(k).data(vk).data)
report "Unexpected output from RNG";
if w /= flipbits(testvec(k).data(vk).data) then
num_errors := num_errors + 1;
end if;
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
-- Go to next output vector.
vk := vk + 1;
end if;
end loop;
-- Go to next test vector.
writeline(output, lin);
end loop;
-- Put instance back in reset.
s_rst <= '1';
end procedure;
-- Instantiate PRNG with 1-bit output.
inst_x1: entity work.rng_trivium
generic map (
num_bits => 1,
init_key => flipbits(testvec(0).key),
init_iv => flipbits(testvec(0).iv) )
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => x1_rst,
reseed => x1_reseed,
newkey => x1_newkey,
newiv => x1_newiv,
out_ready => x1_out_ready,
out_valid => x1_out_valid,
out_data => x1_out_data );
-- Instantiate PRNG with 8-bit output.
inst_x8: entity work.rng_trivium
generic map (
num_bits => 8,
init_key => flipbits(testvec(0).key),
init_iv => flipbits(testvec(0).iv) )
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => x8_rst,
reseed => x8_reseed,
newkey => x8_newkey,
newiv => x8_newiv,
out_ready => x8_out_ready,
out_valid => x8_out_valid,
out_data => x8_out_data );
-- Instantiate PRNG with 64-bit output.
inst_x64: entity work.rng_trivium
generic map (
num_bits => 64,
init_key => flipbits(testvec(0).key),
init_iv => flipbits(testvec(0).iv) )
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => x64_rst,
reseed => x64_reseed,
newkey => x64_newkey,
newiv => x64_newiv,
out_ready => x64_out_ready,
out_valid => x64_out_valid,
out_data => x64_out_data );
-- Generate clock.
clk <= (not clk) after 10 ns when clock_active else '0';
-- Main simulation process.
process is
variable num_errors: natural := 0;
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
report "Start test bench";
-- Reset all instances.
x1_rst <= '1';
x8_rst <= '1';
x64_rst <= '1';
-- Start clock.
clock_active <= true;
wait for 30 ns;
-- Test 1-bit instance.
report "Test 1-bit generator";
test_inst(x1_rst, x1_reseed, x1_newkey, x1_newiv,
x1_out_ready, x1_out_valid, x1_out_data, num_errors);
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
-- Test 8-bit instance.
report "Test 8-bit generator";
test_inst(x8_rst, x8_reseed, x8_newkey, x8_newiv,
x8_out_ready, x8_out_valid, x8_out_data, num_errors);
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
-- Test 64-bit instance.
report "Test 64-bit generator";
test_inst(x64_rst, x64_reseed, x64_newkey, x64_newiv,
x64_out_ready, x64_out_valid, x64_out_data, num_errors);
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
-- End simulation.
report "End testbench";
assert num_errors = 0
report "Errors detected in generator output";
2016-11-27 09:47:23 +01:00
clock_active <= false;
end process;
end architecture;