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2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
-- Pseudo Random Number Generator "Trivium".
-- Author: Joris van Rantwijk <joris@jorisvr.nl>
-- This is a pseudo-random number generator in synthesizable VHDL.
-- The generator produces up to 64 new random bits on every clock cycle.
-- The algorithm "Trivium" is by Christophe De Canniere and Bart Preneel.
-- See also:
-- C. De Canniere, B. Preneel, "Trivium Specifications",
-- http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/stream/p3ciphers/trivium/trivium_p3.pdf
-- The eSTREAM portfolio page for Trivium:
-- http://www.ecrypt.eu.org/stream/e2-trivium.html
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
-- The generator requires an 80-bit key and an 80-bit initialization
-- vector. Defaults for these values must be supplied at compile time
-- and will be used to initialize the generator at reset. The generator
-- also supports re-keying at run time.
-- After reset and after re-seeding, at least (1152/num_bits) clock cycles
-- are needed before valid random data appears on the output.
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
-- NOTE: This generator is designed to produce up to 2**64 bits
-- of secure random data. If more than 2**64 bits are generated
-- with the same key and IV, it becomes inceasingly likely that
-- the output contains patterns and correlations.
-- Copyright (C) 2016 Joris van Rantwijk
-- This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html>
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity rng_trivium is
generic (
-- Number of output bits per clock cycle.
-- Must be a power of two: either 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64.
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
num_bits: integer range 1 to 64;
-- Default key.
init_key: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
-- Default initialization vector.
init_iv: std_logic_vector(79 downto 0) );
port (
-- Clock, rising edge active.
clk: in std_logic;
-- Synchronous reset, active high.
rst: in std_logic;
-- High to request re-seeding of the generator.
reseed: in std_logic;
-- New key value (must be valid when reseed = '1').
newkey: in std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
-- New initialization vector (must be valid when reseed = '1').
newiv: in std_logic_vector(79 downto 0);
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-- High when the user accepts the current random data word
-- and requests new random data for the next clock cycle.
out_ready: in std_logic;
-- High when valid random data is available on the output.
-- This signal is low during the first (1152/num_bits) clock cycles
-- after reset and after re-seeding, and high in all other cases.
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
out_valid: out std_logic;
-- Random output data (valid when out_valid = '1').
-- A new random word appears after every rising clock edge
-- where out_ready = '1'.
out_data: out std_logic_vector(num_bits-1 downto 0) );
end entity;
architecture trivium_arch of rng_trivium is
-- Prepare initial state vector for given key and IV.
-- NOTE: Elements 0 .. 79 from the key vector are mapped to
-- to state elements s_80 .. s_1.
-- Elements 0 .. 79 from the IV vector are mapped
-- to state elements s_173 .. s_94.
-- This deviates from the original Trivium specification
-- but is in line with the phase-3, API-compliant implementation
-- of Trivium as published on the ECRYPT website.
function make_initial_state(nkey, niv: in std_logic_vector)
return std_logic_vector
variable s: std_logic_vector(287 downto 0);
assert nkey'length = 80;
assert niv'length = 80;
s := (others => '0');
for k in 0 to 79 loop
s(79-k) := nkey(k);
end loop;
for k in 0 to 79 loop
s(93+79-k) := niv(k);
end loop;
s(288-1 downto 288-3) := "111";
return s;
end function;
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
-- Internal state of RNG.
signal reg_state: std_logic_vector(287 downto 0) :=
make_initial_state(init_key, init_iv);
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signal reg_valid_wait: unsigned(10 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- Output register.
signal reg_valid: std_logic := '0';
signal reg_output: std_logic_vector(num_bits-1 downto 0);
-- Check that num_bits is a power of 2.
assert (64 / num_bits) * num_bits = 64;
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-- Drive output signal.
out_valid <= reg_valid;
out_data <= reg_output;
-- Synchronous process.
process (clk) is
variable t1, t2, t3: std_logic_vector(num_bits-1 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
-- Determine valid output state.
-- Delay by 4*288/num_bits clock cycles after re-seeding.
if reg_valid_wait = 4*288/num_bits then
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
reg_valid <= '1';
end if;
if reg_valid = '0' then
reg_valid_wait <= reg_valid_wait + 1;
end if;
if out_ready = '1' or reg_valid = '0' then
-- Prepare output word.
t1 := reg_state(66-1 downto 66-num_bits) xor
reg_state(93-1 downto 93-num_bits);
t2 := reg_state(162-1 downto 162-num_bits) xor
reg_state(177-1 downto 177-num_bits);
t3 := reg_state(243-1 downto 243-num_bits) xor
reg_state(288-1 downto 288-num_bits);
-- Create output word such that index 0 of the output
-- contains the earliest-generated bit and index (num_bits-1)
-- of the output contains the last-generated bit.
for k in 0 to num_bits-1 loop
reg_output(num_bits-1-k) <= t1(k) xor t2(k) xor t3(k);
end loop;
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-- Update internal state.
t1 := t1 xor (reg_state(91-1 downto 91-num_bits) and
reg_state(92-1 downto 92-num_bits)) xor
reg_state(171-1 downto 171-num_bits);
t2 := t2 xor (reg_state(175-1 downto 175-num_bits) and
reg_state(176-1 downto 176-num_bits)) xor
reg_state(264-1 downto 264-num_bits);
t3 := t3 xor (reg_state(286-1 downto 286-num_bits) and
reg_state(287-1 downto 287-num_bits)) xor
reg_state(69-1 downto 69-num_bits);
reg_state(93-1 downto 0) <=
reg_state(93-1-num_bits downto 0) & t3;
reg_state(177-1 downto 94-1) <=
reg_state(177-1-num_bits downto 94-1) & t1;
reg_state(288-1 downto 178-1) <=
reg_state(288-1-num_bits downto 178-1) & t2;
end if;
-- Re-seed function.
if reseed = '1' then
reg_valid <= '0';
reg_valid_wait <= (others => '0');
reg_state <= make_initial_state(newkey, newiv);
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end if;
-- Synchronous reset.
if rst = '1' then
reg_valid <= '0';
reg_valid_wait <= (others => '0');
reg_state <= make_initial_state(init_key, init_iv);
2016-11-18 15:34:27 +01:00
reg_output <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;