
1038 lines
25 KiB

Generate VHDL or Verilog code for a signed multiplier.
Usage: genmul.py --lang=vhdl|verilog [--nolib] Xbits Ybits npipe
Usage: genmul.py --lang=vhdl|verilog --lib
--lang=... Specify VHDL or Verilog code
--nolib Do not generate library components
--lib Generate only library components
Xbits Length of input word in bits (Xbits >= 4)
Ybits Length of input word in bits (Ybits >= Xbits)
npipe Number of register stages (0 or 1 or 2)
See also:
G. Knagge, "ASIC Design for Signal Processing",
http://www.geoffknagge.com/fyp/booth.shtml, 2010.
L. Dadda, "Some schemes for parallel multipliers",
Associazione Elettrotecnica et Elettronica Italiana, 1965.
R. P. Brent, H. T. Kung, "A Regular Layout for Parallel Adders",
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 1982.
# Copyright 2016 Joris van Rantwijk
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved.
import sys
import argparse
class Expr:
"""Represent a node in the expression tree."""
wire = None
done = False
class ConstBit(Expr):
"""Represent constant '0' or '1' bit."""
def __init__(self, v):
assert v in (0, 1)
self.v = v
class InBit(Expr):
"""Represent an input bit in the expression tree."""
def __init__(self, xy, p):
assert xy in ('x', 'y')
self.xy = xy
self.p = p
class Reg(Expr):
"""Represent flip-flop."""
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
class NotBit(Expr):
"""Represent inverter."""
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
class BoothNeg(Expr):
"""Represent calculation of radix-4 Booth sign-inversion flag."""
def __init__(self, pat):
assert len(pat) == 3
self.pat = pat
class BoothProd(Expr):
"""Represent calculation of partial product bit with radix-4 Booth."""
def __init__(self, pat, b):
assert len(pat) == 3
assert len(b) == 2
self.pat = pat
self.b = b
class AddBitD(Expr):
"""Represent selection of data bit from adder."""
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
class AddBitC(Expr):
"""Represent selection of carry bit from adder."""
def __init__(self, v):
self.v = v
class HalfAdd(Expr):
"""Represent half adder."""
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
class FullAdd(Expr):
"""Represent full adder."""
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
class CarryProp(Expr):
"""Represent base node of carry propagation tree."""
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
class CarryMerge(Expr):
"""Represent internal node of carry propagation tree."""
def __init__(self, p0, p1):
self.p0 = p0
self.p1 = p1
class CarryEval(Expr):
"""Represent logic to calculate carry-out."""
def __init__(self, p, c):
self.p = p
self.c = c
def gen_partial_products(xvec, yvec):
"""Generate list of partial products using radix-4 Booth algorithm.
Return [ (exponent, bit), ... ].
partial_products = [ ]
# Append zero on LSB side of xvec, sign-extend on MSB side of xvec.
xtmp = [ ConstBit(0) ] + xvec + xvec[-1:]
# Append zero on LSB side of yvec, sign-extend on MSB side of yvec.
ytmp = [ ConstBit(0) ] + yvec + yvec[-1:]
# Step through xvec, 2 bits at a time.
for i in xrange(0, len(xvec), 2):
# Select group of 3 bits from xvec (one bit overlap with last group).
pat = xtmp[i:i+3]
# Add either 0, +1, +2, -1 or -2 times yvec according to Booth method.
# Step through the bits of yvec.
for j in xrange(len(yvec)+1):
# Use Booth encoder to choose between 0, yvec[j], yvec[j-1] or
# inverted bits yvec[j] or yvec[j-1].
t = BoothProd(pat, ytmp[j:j+2])
# Invert the MSB bit, except on first row.
if i > 0 and j == len(yvec):
t = NotBit(t)
# Add result as partial product.
partial_products.append( (i+j, t) )
# For first row, sign-extend by two bits.
# Apply sign inversion on the new MSB bit.
if i == 0:
partial_products.append( (i+len(yvec)+1, t) )
partial_products.append( (i+len(yvec)+2, NotBit(t)) )
# For each row except the first row, add constant 1 in the next column.
if i > 0:
partial_products.append( (i+len(yvec)+1, ConstBit(1)) )
# Use Booth encoder to add 1 in case of negative factor (-1 or -2).
t = BoothNeg(pat)
partial_products.append( (i, t) )
return partial_products
def gen_dadda_tree(partial_products, nbits):
"""Generate carry save adder based on Dadda tree."""
# Sort partial products by bit position.
tvec = [ [ ] for p in xrange(nbits) ]
for (p, b) in partial_products:
if p < nbits:
# Build Dadda tree.
while any([ len(t) > 3 for t in tvec ]):
# New layer.
nvec = [ [ ] for p in xrange(nbits+1) ]
for p in xrange(nbits):
t = tvec[p]
i = 0
while i + 2 < len(t):
# build full adder
a = FullAdd(t[i], t[i+1], t[i+2])
i += 3
if i + 1 < len(t) and len(nvec[p]) % 3 == 2:
# build half adder
a = HalfAdd(t[i], t[i+1])
i += 2
if i < len(t):
# pass through
nvec[p] += t[i:]
tvec = nvec[:nbits]
# Last layer.
nvec = [ [ ] for p in xrange(nbits+1) ]
for p in xrange(nbits):
t = tvec[p]
if len(t) == 3:
# full adder
a = FullAdd(t[0], t[1], t[2])
elif len(t) == 2 and len(nvec[p]) > 0:
# half adder
a = HalfAdd(t[0], t[1])
# pass through
nvec[p] += t
tvec = nvec[:nbits]
# Extract remaining two rows of bits.
avec = [ (t[0] if len(t) > 0 else ConstBit(0)) for t in tvec ]
bvec = [ (t[1] if len(t) > 1 else ConstBit(0)) for t in tvec ]
return (avec, bvec)
def gen_adder(avec, bvec):
"""Generate carry-lookahead adder."""
def carry_lookahead(pvec, cin):
"""Recursively determine carry propagation."""
if len(pvec) == 1:
prop = pvec[0]
cvec = [ cin ]
k = (len(pvec) + 1) // 2
(p0, c0) = carry_lookahead(pvec[:k], cin)
ctmp = CarryEval(p0, cin)
(p1, c1) = carry_lookahead(pvec[k:], ctmp)
prop = CarryMerge(p0, p1)
cvec = c0 + c1
return (prop, cvec)
assert len(avec) == len(bvec)
# Determine carry-generate and carry-propagate for each position.
pvec = [ CarryProp(a, b) for (a, b) in zip(avec, bvec) ]
# Determine carry-in for each position.
(prop, cvec) = carry_lookahead(pvec, ConstBit(0))
# Array of full adders.
sumvec = [ AddBitD(FullAdd(a, b, c))
for (a, b, c) in zip(avec, bvec, cvec) ]
return sumvec
def gen_multiplier(xbits, ybits, npipe):
"""Generate expression tree describing multiplier logic."""
xvec = [ InBit('x', p) for p in xrange(xbits) ]
yvec = [ InBit('y', p) for p in xrange(ybits) ]
partial_products = gen_partial_products(xvec, yvec)
(avec, bvec) = gen_dadda_tree(partial_products, xbits+ybits)
if npipe > 0:
avec = [ Reg(a) for a in avec ]
bvec = [ Reg(b) for b in bvec ]
zvec = gen_adder(avec, bvec)
if npipe > 1:
zvec = [ Reg(z) for z in zvec ]
return zvec
def gen_netlist(node, wires, insts):
"""Generate netlist consisting of wires and component instances."""
if node.done:
# already processed this node
node.done = True
if isinstance(node, ConstBit):
# resolve during code generation
node.wire = node
elif isinstance(node, InBit):
# resolve during code generation
node.wire = node
elif isinstance(node, Reg):
# create output wire
node.wire = 'wreg%d' % len(wires)
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.v, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, NotBit):
# create output wire
node.wire = 'winv%d' % len(wires)
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.v, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, BoothNeg):
# create output wire
node.wire = 'wboothneg%d' % len(wires)
# recurse
for v in node.pat:
gen_netlist(v, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, BoothProd):
# create output wire
node.wire = 'wboothprod%d' % len(wires)
# recurse
for v in node.pat:
gen_netlist(v, wires, insts)
for v in node.b:
gen_netlist(v, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, AddBitD):
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.v, wires, insts)
node.wire = node.v.wire + 'd'
elif isinstance(node, AddBitC):
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.v, wires, insts)
node.wire = node.v.wire + 'c'
elif isinstance(node, HalfAdd):
# create output wires
node.wire = 'wadd%d' % len(wires)
wires.append(node.wire + 'd')
wires.append(node.wire + 'c')
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.a, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.b, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, FullAdd):
# create output wires
node.wire = 'wadd%d' % len(wires)
wires.append(node.wire + 'd')
wires.append(node.wire + 'c')
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.a, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.b, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.c, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, CarryProp):
# create output wires
node.wire = 'wcarry%d' % len(wires)
wires.append(node.wire + 'g')
wires.append(node.wire + 'p')
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.a, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.b, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, CarryMerge):
# create output wires
node.wire = 'wcarry%d' % len(wires)
wires.append(node.wire + 'g')
wires.append(node.wire + 'p')
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.p0, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.p1, wires, insts)
# create instance
elif isinstance(node, CarryEval):
# create output wire
node.wire = 'wcarry%d' % len(wires)
# recurse
gen_netlist(node.p, wires, insts)
gen_netlist(node.c, wires, insts)
# create instance
assert False
def vhdl_inst(node):
"""Return (name, ports) for a given instance."""
if isinstance(node, Reg):
name = 'smul_flipflop'
ports = ( 'clk', 'clken', node.v.wire, node.wire )
elif isinstance(node, NotBit):
name = 'smul_inverter'
ports = ( node.v.wire, node.wire )
elif isinstance(node, BoothNeg):
name = 'smul_booth_neg'
ports = ( node.pat[0].wire, node.pat[1].wire, node.pat[2].wire,
node.wire )
elif isinstance(node, BoothProd):
name = 'smul_booth_prod'
ports = ( node.pat[0].wire, node.pat[1].wire, node.pat[2].wire,
node.b[0].wire, node.b[1].wire,
node.wire )
elif isinstance(node, HalfAdd):
name = 'smul_half_add'
ports = ( node.a.wire, node.b.wire,
node.wire + 'd', node.wire + 'c' )
elif isinstance(node, FullAdd):
name = 'smul_full_add'
ports = ( node.a.wire, node.b.wire, node.c.wire,
node.wire + 'd', node.wire + 'c' )
elif isinstance(node, CarryProp):
name = 'smul_carry_prop'
ports = ( node.a.wire, node.b.wire,
node.wire + 'g', node.wire + 'p' )
elif isinstance(node, CarryMerge):
name = 'smul_carry_merge'
ports = ( node.p0.wire + 'g', node.p0.wire + 'p',
node.p1.wire + 'g', node.p1.wire + 'p',
node.wire + 'g', node.wire + 'p' )
elif isinstance(node, CarryEval):
name = 'smul_carry_eval'
ports = ( node.p.wire + 'g', node.p.wire + 'p', node.c.wire,
node.wire )
assert False
return (name, ports)
def vhdl_wire(wire):
"""Resolve wire to VHDL expression string."""
if isinstance(wire, ConstBit):
return "'%d'" % wire.v
elif isinstance(wire, InBit):
return "%sin(%d)" % (wire.xy, wire.p)
assert isinstance(wire, str)
return wire
def gen_vhdl_lib():
"""Generate VHDL code for library components."""
print """
-- Flip-flop.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_flipflop is
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
clken: in std_ulogic;
d: in std_ulogic;
q: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_flipflop_arch of smul_flipflop is
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
if to_x01(clken) = '1' then
q <= d;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;
-- Inverter.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_inverter is
port (
d: in std_ulogic;
q: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_inverter_arch of smul_inverter is
q <= not d;
end architecture;
-- Half-adder.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_half_add is
port (
x: in std_ulogic;
y: in std_ulogic;
d: out std_ulogic;
c: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_half_add_arch of smul_half_add is
d <= x xor y;
c <= x and y;
end architecture;
-- Full-adder.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_full_add is
port (
x: in std_ulogic;
y: in std_ulogic;
z: in std_ulogic;
d: out std_ulogic;
c: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_full_add_arch of smul_full_add is
d <= x xor y xor z;
c <= (x and y) or (y and z) or (x and z);
end architecture;
-- Booth negative flag.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_booth_neg is
port (
p0: in std_ulogic;
p1: in std_ulogic;
p2: in std_ulogic;
f: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_booth_neg_arch of smul_booth_neg is
f <= p2 and ((not p1) or (not p0));
end architecture;
-- Booth partial product generation.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_booth_prod is
port (
p0: in std_ulogic;
p1: in std_ulogic;
p2: in std_ulogic;
b0: in std_ulogic;
b1: in std_ulogic;
y: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_booth_prod_arch of smul_booth_prod is
process (p0, p1, p2, b0, b1) is
variable p: std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
p := (p2, p1, p0);
case p is
when "000" => y <= '0'; -- factor 0
when "001" => y <= b1; -- factor 1
when "010" => y <= b1; -- factor 1
when "011" => y <= b0; -- factor 2
when "100" => y <= not b0; -- factor -2
when "101" => y <= not b1; -- factor -1
when "110" => y <= not b1; -- factor -1
when others => y <= '0'; -- factor 0
end case;
end process;
end architecture;
-- Determine carry generate and carry propagate.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_carry_prop is
port (
a: in std_ulogic;
b: in std_ulogic;
g: out std_ulogic;
p: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_carry_prop of smul_carry_prop is
g <= a and b;
p <= a xor b;
end architecture;
-- Merge two carry propagation trees.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_carry_merge is
port (
g0: in std_ulogic;
p0: in std_ulogic;
g1: in std_ulogic;
p1: in std_ulogic;
g: out std_ulogic;
p: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_carry_merge of smul_carry_merge is
g <= g1 or (g0 and p1);
p <= p0 and p1;
end architecture;
-- Calculate carry-out through a carry propagation tree.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_carry_eval is
port (
g: in std_ulogic;
p: in std_ulogic;
cin: in std_ulogic;
cout: out std_ulogic );
end entity;
architecture smul_carry_eval of smul_carry_eval is
cout <= g or (p and cin);
end architecture;
def gen_vhdl_mul(xbits, ybits, npipe, wires, insts, outputs):
"""Generate VHDL code and write to stdout."""
# Declaration.
print """
--- %(xbits)d x %(ybits)d bit signed multiplier
--- %(npipe)d cycles pipeline delay
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity smul_%(xbits)d_%(ybits)d is
port (
clk: in std_ulogic;
clken: in std_ulogic;
xin: in std_logic_vector(%(xleft)d downto 0);
yin: in std_logic_vector(%(yleft)d downto 0);
zout: out std_logic_vector(%(zleft)d downto 0) );
end entity;
architecture arch of smul_%(xbits)d_%(ybits)d is
""" % { 'xbits': xbits, 'ybits': ybits,
'npipe': npipe,
'xleft': xbits-1, 'yleft': ybits-1,
'zleft': xbits+ybits-1 }
# Declare signals.
for w in wires:
print "signal %s: std_ulogic;" % w
# Start architecture body.
print "begin"
# Instantiate components.
for (i, node) in enumerate(insts):
(name, ports) = vhdl_inst(node)
print "u%d: entity work.%s port map (" % (i, name),
print ", ".join([ vhdl_wire(p) for p in ports ]),
print ");"
# Drive output signals.
for (i, wire) in enumerate(outputs):
print "zout(%d) <= %s;" % (i, vhdl_wire(wire))
# End architecture.
print "end architecture;"
def verilog_wire(wire):
"""Resolve wire to Verilog expression string."""
if isinstance(wire, ConstBit):
return "1'b%d" % wire.v
elif isinstance(wire, InBit):
return "%sin[%d]" % (wire.xy, wire.p)
assert isinstance(wire, str)
return wire
def gen_verilog_lib():
"""Generate Verilog code for library components."""
print """
// Flip-flop.
module smul_flipflop (
input wire clk,
input wire clken,
input wire d,
output reg q );
always @(posedge clk)
if (clken)
q <= d;
// Inverter.
module smul_inverter (
input wire d,
output wire q );
assign q = ~d;
// Half-adder.
module smul_half_add (
input wire x,
input wire y,
output wire d,
output wire c );
assign d = x ^ y;
assign c = x & y;
// Full-adder.
module smul_full_add (
input wire x,
input wire y,
input wire z,
output wire d,
output wire c );
assign d = x ^ y ^ z;
assign c = (x & y) | (y & z) | (x & z);
// Booth negative flag.
module smul_booth_neg (
input wire p0,
input wire p1,
input wire p2,
output wire f );
assign f = p2 & ((~p1) | (~p0));
// Booth partial product generator.
module smul_booth_prod (
input wire p0,
input wire p1,
input wire p2,
input wire u0,
input wire u1,
output reg y );
always @ (*)
case ({p2, p1, p0})
3'b000 : y = 1'b0;
3'b001 : y = u1;
3'b010 : y = u1;
3'b011 : y = u0;
3'b100 : y = ~u0;
3'b101 : y = ~u1;
3'b110 : y = ~u1;
default : y = 1'b0;
// Deterimine carry generate and carry propagate.
module smul_carry_prop (
input wire a,
input wire b,
output wire g,
output wire p );
assign g = a & b;
assign p = a ^ b;
// Merge two carry propagation trees.
module smul_carry_merge (
input wire g0,
input wire p0,
input wire g1,
input wire p1,
output wire g,
output wire p );
assign g = g1 | (g0 & p1);
assign p = p0 & p1;
// Calculate carry-out through a carry propagation tree.
module smul_carry_eval (
input wire g,
input wire p,
input wire cin,
output wire cout );
assign cout = g | (p & cin);
def gen_verilog_mul(xbits, ybits, npipe, wires, insts, outputs):
"""Generate Verilog code and write to stdout."""
# Preamble.
print """
* %(xbits)d x %(ybits)d bit signed multiplier
* %(npipe)d cycles pipeline delay
module smul_%(xbits)d_%(ybits)d (
input wire clk,
input wire clken,
input wire [%(xleft)d:0] xin,
input wire [%(yleft)d:0] yin,
output wire [%(zleft)d:0] zout );
""" % { 'xbits': xbits, 'ybits': ybits,
'npipe': npipe,
'xleft': xbits-1, 'yleft': ybits-1,
'zleft': xbits+ybits-1 }
# Declare signals.
for w in wires:
print "wire %s;" % w
# Instantiate components.
for (i, node) in enumerate(insts):
(name, ports) = vhdl_inst(node)
print "%s u%d (" % (name, i),
print ", ".join([ verilog_wire(p) for p in ports ]),
print ");"
# Drive output signals.
for (i, wire) in enumerate(outputs):
print "assign zout[%d] = %s;" % (i, verilog_wire(wire))
# End module.
print "endmodule"
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.format_help = lambda: __doc__
parser.format_usage = lambda: __doc__
parser.add_argument('--lang', action='store', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--nolib', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('--lib', action='store_true', default=False)
parser.add_argument('Xbits', action='store', type=int, nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('Ybits', action='store', type=int, nargs='?')
parser.add_argument('npipe', action='store', type=int, nargs='?')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.lang is None or args.lang.upper() not in ('VHDL', 'VERILOG'):
print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Must specify --lang=vhdl or --lang=verilog"
if args.lib:
if (args.nolib or
args.Xbits is not None or
args.Ybits is not None or
args.npipe is not None):
print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Must specify either --lib or",
print >>sys.stderr, "Xbits, Ybits, npipe"
if (args.Xbits is None or args.Ybits is None or args.npipe is None):
print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Must specify either --lib or",
print >>sys.stderr, "Xbits, Ybits, npipe"
if args.Xbits < 4 or args.Ybits < args.Xbits:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: invalid word lengths"
if args.npipe < 0 or args.npipe > 2:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: invalid number of register stages"
if not args.lib:
# Generate expression tree.
zvec = gen_multiplier(args.Xbits, args.Ybits, args.npipe)
# Generate wires and instances.
wires = [ ]
insts = [ ]
for node in zvec:
gen_netlist(node, wires, insts)
outputs = [ node.wire for node in zvec ]
# Write library components.
if not args.nolib:
if args.lang.upper() == 'VHDL':
elif args.lang.upper() == 'VERILOG':
# Write multiplier.
if not args.lib:
if args.lang.upper() == 'VHDL':
gen_vhdl_mul(args.Xbits, args.Ybits, args.npipe,
wires, insts, outputs)
elif args.lang.upper() == 'VERILOG':
gen_verilog_mul(args.Xbits, args.Ybits, args.npipe,
wires, insts, outputs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# end