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#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <algorithm>
#include <complex>
#include "Filter.h"
using namespace std;
/** Prepare Lanczos FIR filter coefficients. */
template <class T>
static void make_lanczos_coeff(unsigned int filter_order, double cutoff,
vector<T>& coeff)
coeff.resize(filter_order + 1);
// Prepare Lanczos FIR filter.
// t[i] = (i - order/2)
// coeff[i] = Sinc(2 * cutoff * t[i]) * Sinc(t[i] / (order/2 + 1))
// coeff /= sum(coeff)
double ysum = 0.0;
// Calculate filter kernel.
for (int i = 0; i <= (int)filter_order; i++) {
int t2 = 2 * i - filter_order;
double y;
if (t2 == 0) {
y = 1.0;
} else {
double x1 = cutoff * t2;
double x2 = t2 / double(filter_order + 2);
y = ( sin(M_PI * x1) / M_PI / x1 ) *
( sin(M_PI * x2) / M_PI / x2 );
coeff[i] = y;
ysum += y;
// Apply correction factor to ensure unit gain at DC.
for (unsigned i = 0; i <= filter_order; i++) {
coeff[i] /= ysum;
/* **************** class FineTuner **************** */
// Construct finetuner.
FineTuner::FineTuner(unsigned int table_size, int freq_shift)
: m_index(0)
, m_table(table_size)
double phase_step = 2.0 * M_PI / double(table_size);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table_size; i++) {
double phi = (((int64_t)freq_shift * i) % table_size) * phase_step;
double pcos = cos(phi);
double psin = sin(phi);
m_table[i] = IQSample(pcos, psin);
// Process samples.
void FineTuner::process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in,
IQSampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int tblidx = m_index;
unsigned int tblsiz = m_table.size();
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
samples_out[i] = samples_in[i] * m_table[tblidx];
if (tblidx == tblsiz)
tblidx = 0;
m_index = tblidx;
/* **************** class LowPassFilterFirIQ **************** */
// Construct low-pass filter.
LowPassFilterFirIQ::LowPassFilterFirIQ(unsigned int filter_order, double cutoff)
: m_state(filter_order)
make_lanczos_coeff(filter_order, cutoff, m_coeff);
// Process samples.
void LowPassFilterFirIQ::process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in,
IQSampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int order = m_state.size();
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
if (n == 0)
// NOTE: We use m_coeff the wrong way around because it is slightly
// faster to scan forward through the array. The result is still correct
// because the coefficients are symmetric.
// The first few samples need data from m_state.
unsigned int i = 0;
for (; i < n && i < order; i++) {
IQSample y = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < order - i; j++)
y += m_state[i+j] * m_coeff[j];
for (unsigned int j = order - i; j <= order; j++)
y += samples_in[i-order+j] * m_coeff[j];
samples_out[i] = y;
// Remaining samples only need data from samples_in.
for (; i < n; i++) {
IQSample y = 0;
IQSampleVector::const_iterator inp = samples_in.begin() + i - order;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= order; j++)
y += inp[j] * m_coeff[j];
samples_out[i] = y;
// Update m_state.
if (n < order) {
copy(m_state.begin() + n, m_state.end(), m_state.begin());
copy(samples_in.begin(), samples_in.end(), m_state.end() - n);
} else {
copy(samples_in.end() - order, samples_in.end(), m_state.begin());
/* **************** class DownsampleFilter **************** */
// Construct low-pass filter with optional downsampling.
DownsampleFilter::DownsampleFilter(unsigned int filter_order, double cutoff,
double downsample, bool integer_factor)
: m_downsample(downsample)
, m_downsample_int(integer_factor ? lrint(downsample) : 0)
, m_pos_int(0)
, m_pos_frac(0)
, m_state(filter_order)
assert(downsample >= 1);
assert(filter_order > 1);
// Force the first coefficient to zero and append an extra zero at the
// end of the array. This ensures we can always obtain (filter_order+1)
// coefficients by linear interpolation between adjacent array elements.
make_lanczos_coeff(filter_order - 1, cutoff, m_coeff);
m_coeff.insert(m_coeff.begin(), 0);
// Process samples.
void DownsampleFilter::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int order = m_state.size();
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
if (m_downsample_int != 0) {
// Integer downsample factor, no linear interpolation.
// This is relatively simple.
unsigned int p = m_pos_int;
unsigned int pstep = m_downsample_int;
samples_out.resize((n - p + pstep - 1) / pstep);
// The first few samples need data from m_state.
unsigned int i = 0;
for (; p < n && p < order; p += pstep, i++) {
Sample y = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= p; j++)
y += samples_in[p-j] * m_coeff[j];
for (unsigned int j = p + 1; j <= order; j++)
y += m_state[order+p-j] * m_coeff[j];
samples_out[i] = y;
// Remaining samples only need data from samples_in.
for (; p < n; p += pstep, i++) {
Sample y = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= order; j++)
y += samples_in[p-j] * m_coeff[j];
samples_out[i] = y;
assert(i == samples_out.size());
// Update index of start position in text sample block.
m_pos_int = p - n;
} else {
// Fractional downsample factor via linear interpolation of
// the FIR coefficient table. This is a bitch.
// Estimate number of output samples we can produce in this run.
Sample p = m_pos_frac;
Sample pstep = m_downsample;
unsigned int n_out = int(2 + n / pstep);
// Produce output samples.
unsigned int i = 0;
Sample pf = p;
unsigned int pi = int(pf);
while (pi < n) {
Sample k1 = pf - pi;
Sample k0 = 1 - k1;
Sample y = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= order; j++) {
Sample k = m_coeff[j] * k0 + m_coeff[j+1] * k1;
Sample s = (j <= pi) ? samples_in[pi-j] : m_state[order+pi-j];
y += k * s;
samples_out[i] = y;
pf = p + i * pstep;
pi = int(pf);
// We may overestimate the number of samples by 1 or 2.
assert(i <= n_out && i + 2 >= n_out);
// Update fractional index of start position in text sample block.
// Limit to 0 to avoid catastrophic results of rounding errors.
m_pos_frac = pf - n;
if (m_pos_frac < 0)
m_pos_frac = 0;
// Update m_state.
if (n < order) {
copy(m_state.begin() + n, m_state.end(), m_state.begin());
copy(samples_in.begin(), samples_in.end(), m_state.end() - n);
} else {
copy(samples_in.end() - order, samples_in.end(), m_state.begin());
/* **************** class LowPassFilterRC **************** */
// Construct 1st order low-pass IIR filter.
LowPassFilterRC::LowPassFilterRC(double timeconst)
: m_timeconst(timeconst)
, m_y1(0)
// Process samples.
void LowPassFilterRC::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
* Continuous domain:
* H(s) = 1 / (1 - s * timeconst)
* Discrete domain:
2013-12-29 18:50:56 +01:00
* H(z) = (1 - exp(-1/timeconst)) / (1 - exp(-1/timeconst) / z)
Sample a1 = - exp(-1/m_timeconst);;
Sample b0 = 1 + a1;
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
Sample y = m_y1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Sample x = samples_in[i];
y = b0 * x - a1 * y;
samples_out[i] = y;
m_y1 = y;
// Process samples in-place.
2013-12-31 00:29:52 +01:00
void LowPassFilterRC::process_inplace(SampleVector& samples)
Sample a1 = - exp(-1/m_timeconst);;
Sample b0 = 1 + a1;
unsigned int n = samples.size();
Sample y = m_y1;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Sample x = samples[i];
y = b0 * x - a1 * y;
samples[i] = y;
m_y1 = y;
/* **************** class LowPassFilterIir **************** */
// Construct 4th order low-pass IIR filter.
LowPassFilterIir::LowPassFilterIir(double cutoff)
: y1(0), y2(0), y3(0), y4(0)
typedef complex<double> CDbl;
// Angular cutoff frequency.
double w = 2 * M_PI * cutoff;
// Poles 1 and 4 are a conjugate pair, and poles 2 and 3 are another pair.
// Continuous domain:
// p_k = w * exp( (2*k + n - 1) / (2*n) * pi * j)
CDbl p1s = w * exp((2*1 + 4 - 1) / double(2 * 4) * CDbl(0, M_PI));
CDbl p2s = w * exp((2*2 + 4 - 1) / double(2 * 4) * CDbl(0, M_PI));
// Map poles to discrete-domain via matched Z transform.
CDbl p1z = exp(p1s);
CDbl p2z = exp(p2s);
// Discrete-domain transfer function:
// H(z) = b0 / ( (1 - p1/z) * (1 - p4/z) * (1 - p2/z) * (1 - p3/z) )
// = b0 / ( (1 - (p1+p4)/z + p1*p4/z**2) *
// (1 - (p2+p3)/z + p2*p3/z**2) )
// = b0 / (1 - (p1 + p4 + p2 + p3)/z
// + (p1*p4 + p2*p3 + (p1+p4)*(p2+p3))/z**2
// - ((p1+p4)*p2*p3 + (p2+p3)*p1*p4)/z**3
// + p1*p4*p2*p3/z**4
// Note that p3 = conj(p2), p4 = conj(p1)
// Therefore p1+p4 == 2*real(p1), p1*p4 == abs(p1*p1)
a1 = - (2*real(p1z) + 2*real(p2z));
a2 = (abs(p1z*p1z) + abs(p2z*p2z) + 2*real(p1z) * 2*real(p2z));
a3 = - (2*real(p1z) * abs(p2z*p2z) + 2*real(p2z) * abs(p1z*p1z));
a4 = abs(p1z*p1z) * abs(p2z*p2z);
// Choose b0 to get unit DC gain.
b0 = 1 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4;
// Process samples.
void LowPassFilterIir::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Sample x = samples_in[i];
Sample y = b0 * x - a1 * y1 - a2 * y2 - a3 * y3 - a4 * y4;
y4 = y3; y3 = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = y;
samples_out[i] = y;
/* **************** class HighPassFilterIir **************** */
// Construct 2nd order high-pass IIR filter.
HighPassFilterIir::HighPassFilterIir(double cutoff)
: x1(0), x2(0), y1(0), y2(0)
typedef complex<double> CDbl;
// Angular cutoff frequency.
double w = 2 * M_PI * cutoff;
// Poles 1 and 2 are a conjugate pair.
// Continuous-domain:
// p_k = w / exp( (2*k + n - 1) / (2*n) * pi * j)
CDbl p1s = w / exp((2*1 + 2 - 1) / double(2 * 2) * CDbl(0, M_PI));
// Map poles to discrete-domain via matched Z transform.
CDbl p1z = exp(p1s);
// Both zeros are located in s = 0, z = 1.
// Discrete-domain transfer function:
// H(z) = g * (1 - 1/z) * (1 - 1/z) / ( (1 - p1/z) * (1 - p2/z) )
// = g * (1 - 2/z + 1/z**2) / (1 - (p1+p2)/z + (p1*p2)/z**2)
// Note that z2 = conj(z1).
// Therefore p1+p2 == 2*real(p1), p1*2 == abs(p1*p1), z4 = conj(z1)
b0 = 1;
b1 = -2;
b2 = 1;
a1 = -2 * real(p1z);
a2 = abs(p1z*p1z);
// Adjust b coefficients to get unit gain at Nyquist frequency (z=-1).
double g = (b0 - b1 + b2) / (1 - a1 + a2);
b0 /= g;
b1 /= g;
b2 /= g;
// Process samples.
void HighPassFilterIir::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Sample x = samples_in[i];
Sample y = b0 * x + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 - a1 * y1 - a2 * y2;
x2 = x1; x1 = x;
y2 = y1; y1 = y;
samples_out[i] = y;
// Process samples in-place.
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void HighPassFilterIir::process_inplace(SampleVector& samples)
unsigned int n = samples.size();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Sample x = samples[i];
Sample y = b0 * x + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 - a1 * y1 - a2 * y2;
x2 = x1; x1 = x;
y2 = y1; y1 = y;
samples[i] = y;
/* end */