
111 lines
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-- Test sine / cosine function core on Digilent Atlys board.
-- Serial port protocol (via USB):
-- * Baud rate 115200
-- * Send 6 bytes
-- { 0x41 0x42 phase(7:0) phase(15:8) phase(23:16) phase(31:24) }
-- to calculate sine and cosine of phase on the 18-bit / 20-bit core.
-- Board answers with 8 bytes
-- { sin(7:0) sin(15:8) sin(23:16) sin(31:24)
-- cos(7:0) cos(15:8) cos(23:16) cos(31:24 }
-- * Send 6 bytes
-- { 0x41 0x43 phase(7:0) phase(15:8) phase(23:16) phase(31:24) }
-- to calculate sine and cosine of phase on the 24-bit / 26-bit core.
-- Board answers with 8 bytes
-- { sin(7:0) sin(15:8) sin(23:16) sin(31:24)
-- cos(7:0) cos(15:8) cos(23:16) cos(31:24 }
-- * Send 2 bytes { 0x41 0x44 } to start clock-enable modulation.
-- * Send 3 bytes { 0x41 0x45 } to stop clock-enable modulation.
-- Status LEDs:
-- LED 0 = Ready (waiting for command)
-- LED 1 = Calculating
-- LED 2 = Clock-enable modulation active
-- LED 3 = Transmitting
-- AC97 audio:
-- not yet implemented
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity top_test_sincos is
port (
-- 100 MHz system clock
clk: in std_logic;
-- Reset button
resetn: in std_logic;
-- Status LEDs
led: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- Uart
uartrx: in std_logic;
uarttx: out std_logic;
-- AC97 audio
ac97_bitclk: in std_logic;
ac97_sdi: in std_logic;
ac97_sdo: out std_logic;
ac97_sync: out std_logic;
ac97_rst: out std_logic );
end entity;
architecture rtl of top_test_sincos is
signal r_rstgen: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := "00000000";
signal r_reset: std_logic;
-- Instantiate test design with serial interface.
u0: entity work.test_sincos_serial
generic map (
serial_bitrate_divider => 868 )
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => r_reset,
ser_rx => uartrx,
ser_tx => uarttx,
stat_ready => led(0),
stat_calc => led(1),
stat_clkmod => led(2),
stat_txser => led(3) );
-- Drive unused LEDs.
led(7 downto 4) <= "0000";
-- AC97 not yet implemented
ac97_sdo <= '0';
ac97_sync <= '0';
ac97_rst <= '0';
-- Reset synchronizer.
process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
if resetn = '0' then
r_rstgen <= (others => '0');
r_reset <= '1';
r_rstgen <= "1" & r_rstgen(7 downto 1);
r_reset <= not r_rstgen(0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;