
516 lines
21 KiB

-- Sine / cosine function core
-- Copyright 2016 Joris van Rantwijk
-- This design is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.math_real.all;
-- Calculate sine and cosine based on a lookup table with limited size,
-- followed by 1st order or 2nd order Taylor interpolation.
entity sincos_gen is
generic (
-- Number of bits in signed sin/cos output.
-- Also number of bits in unsigned lookup table values.
data_bits: integer := 18;
-- Number of bits in phase input.
phase_bits: integer := 20;
-- Number of address bits for lookup table.
table_addrbits: integer := 10;
-- Number of extra phase bits used internally.
phase_extrabits: integer := 1;
-- Select 1st order or 2nd order Taylor correction.
taylor_order: integer range 1 to 2 := 1 );
port (
-- System clock, active on rising edge.
clk: in std_logic;
-- Clock enable.
clk_en: in std_logic;
-- Phase input.
in_phase: in unsigned(phase_bits-1 downto 0);
-- Sine output.
out_sin: out signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
-- Cosine output.
out_cos: out signed(data_bits-1 downto 0) );
end entity;
architecture rtl of sincos_gen is
-- Number of elements in lookup table.
constant table_size: integer := 2**table_addrbits;
-- Number of bits in unsigned lookup table values.
constant table_width: integer := data_bits;
-- Number of bits in signed delta phase term.
constant rphase_bits: integer := phase_bits - table_addrbits - 2;
constant dphase_bits: integer := rphase_bits + phase_extrabits + 1;
-- Number of (MSB) bits from lookup table used for Taylor correction.
constant coeff_bits: integer := table_width + 3 - table_addrbits;
-- Scaling after Taylor correction.
constant frac_bits: integer := phase_bits + phase_extrabits - 1 +
coeff_bits - table_width;
constant accum_bits: integer := data_bits + frac_bits;
constant round_const: unsigned(frac_bits-2 downto 0) := (others => '1');
-- Lookup table type.
type table_type is array(0 to table_size-1) of
std_logic_vector(table_width-1 downto 0);
-- Function to generate lookup table at synthesis time.
function gen_table return table_type is
variable tbl: table_type;
variable sin_flt: real;
variable sin_int: integer;
for i in 0 to table_size-1 loop
-- Calculate ideal value for mid-point of the i-th section of
-- the first quadrant of the sine function.
sin_flt := sin(real(2*i + 1) / real(2 * table_size) * MATH_PI / 2.0);
-- Multiply by nominal amplitude and round to nearest integer.
-- Note: The table contains UNSIGNED integers of table_width bits.
sin_int := integer(sin_flt * real(2**table_width - 2));
-- Store in table.
tbl(i) := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(sin_int, table_width));
end loop;
return tbl;
end function;
-- Lookup table for the first quarter-period of the sine.
-- lookup_table[i] == sin( (i + 0.5) / table_size * pi / 2 )
-- Note: This must be a signal, not a constant, otherwise Xilinx
-- tools will not properly infer block RAM.
signal lookup_table: table_type := gen_table;
-- Internal registers.
signal r1_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r1_rphase: signed(rphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r1_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r1_sin_addr: std_logic_vector(table_addrbits-1 downto 0);
signal r1_cos_addr: std_logic_vector(table_addrbits-1 downto 0);
signal r2_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r2_rphase: signed(rphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r2_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r2_sin_data: std_logic_vector(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r2_cos_data: std_logic_vector(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r3_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r3_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r3_sin_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r3_cos_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r3_sinm2_a: signed(coeff_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r3_sinm2_b: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r3_cosm2_a: signed(coeff_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r3_cosm2_b: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r4_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r4_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r4_sin_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r4_cos_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r4_sinm2_m: signed(coeff_bits+dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r4_sinm2_c: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r4_cosm2_m: signed(coeff_bits+dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r4_cosm2_c: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r5_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r5_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r5_sin_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r5_cos_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r5_sinm2_p: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r5_cosm2_p: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r6_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r6_sin_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r6_cos_data: unsigned(table_width-1 downto 0);
signal r6_sinm1_a: signed(coeff_bits downto 0);
signal r6_sinm1_b: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r6_cosm1_a: signed(coeff_bits downto 0);
signal r6_cosm1_b: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r7_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r7_sinm1_m: signed(coeff_bits+dphase_bits downto 0);
signal r7_sinm1_c: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r7_cosm1_m: signed(coeff_bits+dphase_bits downto 0);
signal r7_cosm1_c: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r8_quadrant: unsigned(1 downto 0);
signal r8_sinm1_p: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r8_cosm1_p: signed(accum_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r8_sin_neg: std_logic;
signal r8_cos_neg: std_logic;
-- Output registers.
signal r_outsin: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
signal r_outcos: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
-- Attributes for Xilinx synthesis.
-- Note: This is necessary, otherwise Vivado will not properly
-- infer block RAM.
attribute rom_style: string;
attribute rom_style of lookup_table: signal is "block";
-- Drive output ports.
out_sin <= r_outsin;
out_cos <= r_outcos;
-- Synchronous process.
process (clk) is
variable v1_rphase: signed(rphase_bits-1 downto 0);
variable v1_xphase: signed(rphase_bits+phase_extrabits-1 downto 0);
variable v3_xphase: signed(rphase_bits+phase_extrabits-1 downto 0);
variable v3_dphase: signed(dphase_bits-1 downto 0);
variable v9_sin_val: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
variable v9_cos_val: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
variable v9_sin_mag: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
variable v9_cos_mag: signed(data_bits-1 downto 0);
if rising_edge(clk) then
if clk_en = '1' then
-- "in_phase" is an unsigned integer of width (phase_bits).
-- We split it into three fields
-- (2 bits) (table_addrbits) (remaining bits)
-- -------------------------------------------
-- | . . | . . . . . | . . . . . . |
-- -------------------------------------------
-- quadrant table index phase remainder
-- The two most significant bits are the quadrant index
-- (0 .. 3). We keep this index for later.
-- Sine and cosine are calculated for the first quadrant,
-- then modified afterwards to step to the selected quadrant.
-- The middle (table_addrbits) bits form an index into
-- the lookup table. Each entry in the lookup table represents
-- the ideal value for the midpoint of the corresponding
-- range of phase values.
-- The remaining least signifcant bits form the phase
-- remainder with respect to the lookup index.
-- If the phase remainder is "1000..0", the lookup table
-- value is exactly right. Smaller than "1000..0" requires
-- negative phase adjustment, larger than "100..0" requires
-- positive phase adjustment. The phase remainder can thus
-- be interpreted as a signed integer with the sign bit
-- inverted.
-- The phase remainder must be converted to radians
-- for use as Taylor correction coeffcient. This conversion
-- requires multiplication by Pi/2.
-- We use the following approximation of Pi/2 with
-- 11 fractional bits:
-- Pi/2 =~ 1.5708 =~ 1.10010010001B
-- Multiplication by this factor is implemented through
-- shifting and adding:
-- x * Pi/2 =~ x + (x >> 1) + (x >> 4) + (x >> 7) + (x >> 11)
-- which can be decomposed as follows:
-- t1 = x + (x >> 4)
-- t2 = t + (t >> 7)
-- x * Pi/2 =~ (x >> 1) + t
-- Stage 1
-- Keep quadrant for later use.
r1_quadrant <= in_phase(phase_bits-1 downto phase_bits-2);
-- Extract phase remainder as signed number
-- (by simply inverting the sign bit).
v1_rphase(rphase_bits-1) :=
not in_phase(rphase_bits-1);
v1_rphase(rphase_bits-2 downto 0) :=
signed(in_phase(rphase_bits-2 downto 0));
-- Keep phase remainder for later use.
r1_rphase <= v1_rphase;
-- Multiply phase remainder by Pi/2, first step.
-- t1 = rphase + (rphase >> 4)
-- (add extra '0' bits to increase accuracy)
-- (apply rounding constant for truncation due to shift)
v1_xphase(v1_xphase'high downto phase_extrabits) := v1_rphase;
v1_xphase(phase_extrabits-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
r1_dphase <= resize(v1_xphase, dphase_bits) +
resize(shift_right(v1_xphase, 4), dphase_bits) +
signed("0" & v1_xphase(3 downto 3));
-- Extract table index for sin and cos.
r1_sin_addr <=
std_logic_vector(in_phase(phase_bits-3 downto
r1_cos_addr <=
not std_logic_vector(in_phase(phase_bits-3 downto
-- Stage 2
-- Keep quadrant and phase remainder for later use.
r2_quadrant <= r1_quadrant;
r2_rphase <= r1_rphase;
-- Multiply phase remainder by Pi/2, next step.
-- t2 = t1 + (t1 >> 7)
-- (apply rounding constant for truncation due to shift)
r2_dphase <= r1_dphase +
resize(shift_right(r1_dphase, 7), dphase_bits) +
signed("0" & r1_dphase(6 downto 6));
-- Table lookup.
r2_sin_data <= lookup_table(to_integer(unsigned(r1_sin_addr)));
r2_cos_data <= lookup_table(to_integer(unsigned(r1_cos_addr)));
-- Stage 3
-- Multiply phase remainder by Pi/2, final step.
-- dphase = t2 + (rphase >> 1)
-- (add extra '0' bits to increase accuracy)
-- (apply rounding constant for truncation due to shift)
v3_xphase(v3_xphase'high downto phase_extrabits) := r2_rphase;
v3_xphase(phase_extrabits-1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
v3_dphase := r2_dphase +
resize(shift_right(v3_xphase, 1), dphase_bits) +
signed("0" & v3_xphase(0 downto 0));
if taylor_order = 2 then
-- Handle 2nd order Taylor correction.
-- Stage 3
-- Keep quadrant and delta phase for later use.
r3_quadrant <= r2_quadrant;
r3_dphase <= v3_dphase;
-- Keep sin/cos table values for later use.
r3_sin_data <= unsigned(r2_sin_data);
r3_cos_data <= unsigned(r2_cos_data);
-- Prepare multiplication for 2nd order Taylor correction.
-- sin_t2 = sin_table + 0.5 * dphase * cos_table
-- cos_t2 = cos_table - 0.5 * dphase * sin_table
-- Use only the (coeff_bits-1) MSB bits of the table value
-- for the multiplication.
-- Convert table values from unsigned to signed (sign-ext).
r3_sinm2_a <=
unsigned(r2_cos_data(table_width-1 downto
r3_cosm2_a <=
unsigned(r2_sin_data(table_width-1 downto
r3_sinm2_b <= v3_dphase;
r3_cosm2_b <= v3_dphase;
-- Stage 4
-- Keep quadrant and delta phase for later use.
r4_quadrant <= r3_quadrant;
r4_dphase <= r3_dphase;
-- Keep sin/cos table values for later use.
r4_sin_data <= r3_sin_data;
r4_cos_data <= r3_cos_data;
-- Multiplication for 2nd order Taylor correction.
r4_sinm2_m <= r3_sinm2_a * r3_sinm2_b;
r4_cosm2_m <= r3_cosm2_a * r3_cosm2_b;
-- Prepare to add Taylor correction to base value.
r4_sinm2_c <= signed(resize(r3_sin_data & round_const,
r4_cosm2_c <= signed(resize(r3_cos_data & round_const,
-- Stage 5
-- Keep quadrant and delta phase for later use.
r5_quadrant <= r4_quadrant;
r5_dphase <= r4_dphase;
-- Keep sin/cos table values for later use.
r5_sin_data <= r4_sin_data;
r5_cos_data <= r4_cos_data;
-- Add Taylor correction to base value.
r5_sinm2_p <= r4_sinm2_c + resize(r4_sinm2_m, accum_bits);
r5_cosm2_p <= r4_cosm2_c - resize(r4_cosm2_m, accum_bits);
-- Stage 6
-- Keep quadrant for later use.
r6_quadrant <= r5_quadrant;
-- Keep sin/cos table value for later use.
r6_sin_data <= r5_sin_data;
r6_cos_data <= r5_cos_data;
-- Prepare multiplication for final Taylor correction.
-- sin_corr = sin_table + dphase * cos_t2
-- cos_corr = cos_table - dphase * sin_t2
-- Use only the coeff_bits MSB bits of the intermediate
-- sin/cos values for the multiplication.
r6_sinm1_a <= r5_cosm2_p(accum_bits-1 downto
r6_cosm1_a <= r5_sinm2_p(accum_bits-1 downto
r6_sinm1_b <= r5_dphase;
r6_cosm1_b <= r5_dphase;
-- Only 1st order Taylor correction.
-- Stage 6 (skip stages 3, 4, 5)
-- Keep quadrant for later use.
r6_quadrant <= r2_quadrant;
-- Keep sin/cos table value for later use.
r6_sin_data <= unsigned(r2_sin_data);
r6_cos_data <= unsigned(r2_cos_data);
-- Prepare multiplication for 1st order Taylor correction.
-- sin_corr = sin_table + dphase * cos_table
-- cos_corr = cos_table - dphase * sin_table
-- Use only the coeff_bits MSB bits of the table value
-- for the multiplication.
-- Convert table values from unsigned to signed (sign-ext).
r6_sinm1_a <=
unsigned(r2_cos_data(table_width-1 downto
r6_cosm1_a <=
unsigned(r2_sin_data(table_width-1 downto
r6_sinm1_b <= v3_dphase;
r6_cosm1_b <= v3_dphase;
end if;
-- Stage 7
-- Keep quadrant for later use.
r7_quadrant <= r6_quadrant;
-- Multiplication for 1st order Taylor correction.
r7_sinm1_m <= r6_sinm1_a * r6_sinm1_b;
r7_cosm1_m <= r6_cosm1_a * r6_cosm1_b;
-- Prepare to add Taylor correction to base value.
-- Add a rounding constant.
r7_sinm1_c <= signed(resize(r6_sin_data & round_const,
r7_cosm1_c <= signed(resize(r6_cos_data & round_const,
-- Stage 8
-- Keep quadrant for later use.
r8_quadrant <= r7_quadrant;
-- Add Taylor correction to base value.
r8_sinm1_p <= r7_sinm1_c + resize(r7_sinm1_m, accum_bits);
r8_cosm1_p <= r7_cosm1_c - resize(r7_cosm1_m, accum_bits);
-- Decide positive/negative value based on quadrant.
r8_sin_neg <= r7_quadrant(1);
r8_cos_neg <= r7_quadrant(0) xor r7_quadrant(1);
-- Stage 9
-- Extract relevant bits of answer.
v9_sin_val := r8_sinm1_p(accum_bits-1 downto frac_bits);
v9_cos_val := r8_cosm1_p(accum_bits-1 downto frac_bits);
-- Up to now all computations were done for the first quadrant.
-- Therefore v9_sin_val and v9_cos_val are the correct final
-- results iff r8_quadrant = 0.
-- Otherwise adjustments are needed.
-- Choose between sin/cos based on quadrant.
if r8_quadrant(0) = '0' then
-- First or third quadrant; do not swap sin and cos.
v9_sin_mag := v9_sin_val;
v9_cos_mag := v9_cos_val;
-- Second or fourth quadrant; swap sin and cos.
v9_sin_mag := v9_cos_val;
v9_cos_mag := v9_sin_val;
end if;
-- Choose positive/negative sine value based on quadrant.
if r8_sin_neg = '0' then
-- First or second quadrant; sine value is positive.
r_outsin <= 0 + v9_sin_mag;
-- Third or fourth quadrant; sine value is negative.
r_outsin <= 0 - v9_sin_mag;
end if;
-- Choose positive/negative cosine value based on quadrant.
if r8_cos_neg = '0' then
-- First or fourth quadrant; cosine value is positive.
r_outcos <= 0 + v9_cos_mag;
-- Second or third quadrant; cosine value is negative.
r_outcos <= 0 - v9_cos_mag;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end architecture;