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Add implementation notes to algorithm description

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Joris van Rantwijk 2023-04-13 21:51:24 +02:00
parent b53e58902a
commit 3b80109cff
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@ -793,7 +793,239 @@ Therefore the total cost of dual variable updates is _O(n<sup>2</sup>)_ per stag
## Implementation details
This section describes some choices I made while implementing the algorithm.
There may be easier or faster or better ways to do it, but this is what I did
and it seems to work mostly okay.
### Data structures
#### Input graph
Vertices are represented as non-negative integers in range _0_ to _n-1_.
Edges are represented as an array of tuples _(x, y, w)_ where _x_ and _y_ are indices
of the incident vertices, and _w_ is the numerical weight of the edge.
The edges are listed in no particular order.
Each edge has an index in _e_ range _0_ to _m-1_.
`edges[e] = (x, y, w)`
In addition, edges are organized in an array of adjacency lists, indexed by vertex index.
Each adjacency list contains the edge indices of all edges incident on a specific vertex.
Every edge therefore appears in two adjacency lists.
`adjacent_edges[x] = [e1, e2, ...]`
These data structures are initialized at the start of the matching algorithm
and never change while the algorithm runs.
#### General data
`vertex_mate[x] = y` if the edge between vertex _x_ and vertex _y_ is matched. <br>
`vertex_mate[x] = -1` if vertex _x_ is unmatched.
`vertex_top_blossom[x] =` pointer to _B(x)_, the top-level blossom that contains vertex _x_.
`vertex_dual[x]` holds the value of _u<sub>x</sub>_.
A FIFO queue holds vertex indices of S-vertices whose edges have not yet been scanned.
Vertices are inserted in this queue as soon as their top-level blossom gets label S.
#### Blossoms
A blossom is either a single vertex or a non-trivial blossom.
Both types of blossoms are represented as class instances with the following attributes:
* `B.base_vertex` is the vertex index of the base vertex of blossom _B_.
* `B.parent` is a pointer to the parent of _B_ in the blossom structure tree,
or `None` if _B_ is a top-level blossom.
* `B.label` is `S` or `T` or `None`
* `B.tree_edge = (x, y)` if _B_ is a labeled top-level blossom, where _y_ is a vertex in _B_
and _(x, y)_ is the edge that links _B_ to its parent in the alternating tree.
A non-trivial blossom additionally has the following attributes:
* `B.subblossoms` is an array of pointers to the sub-blossoms of _B_,
starting with the sub-blossom that contains the base vertex.
* `B.edges` is an array of alternating edges connecting the sub-blossoms.
* `B.dual_var` holds the value of _z<sub>B</sub>_.
Single-vertex blossoms are kept in an array indexed by vertex index. <br>
Non-trivial blossoms are kept in a separate array. <br>
These arrays are used to iterate over blossoms and to find the trivial blossom
that consists of a given vertex.
#### Least-slack edge tracking
`vertex_best_edge[x]` is an array holding _e<sub>x</sub>_, the edge index of
the least-slack edge between vertex _x_ and any S-vertex, or -1 if there is no such edge.
This value is only meaningful if _x_ is a T-vertex or unlabeled vertex.
`B.best_edge` is a blossom attribute holding _e<sub>B</sub>_, the edge index of the least-slack
edge between blossom _B_ and any other S-blossom, or -1 if there is no such edge.
This value is only meaningful if _B_ is a top-level S-blossom.
For non-trivial S-blossoms _B_, attribute `B.best_edge_set` holds the list _L<sub>B</sub>_
of potential least-slack edges to other blossoms.
This list is not maintained for single-vertex blossoms, since _L<sub>B</sub>_ of a single vertex
can be efficiently constructed from its adjacency list.
#### Memory usage
The data structures described above use a constant amount of memory per vertex and per edge
and per blossom.
Therefore the total memory requirement is _O(m + n)_.
The memory usage of _L<sub>B</sub>_ is a little tricky.
Any given list _L<sub>B</sub>_ can have length _O(n)_, and _O(n)_ of these lists can exist
Naively allocating space for _O(n)_ elements per list will drive memory usage
up to _O(n<sup>2</sup>)_.
However, at any moment, an edge can be in at most two of these lists, therefore the sum
of the lengths of these lists is limited to _O(m)_.
A possible solution is to implement the _L<sub>B</sub>_ as linked lists.
### Performance critical routines
Calculations that happen very frequently in the algorithm are:
determining the top-level blossom of a given vertex, and calculating the slack of a given edge.
These calculations must run in constant time per call in any case, but it makes sense to put
some extra effort into making these calculations _fast_.
### Recursion
Certain tasks in the algorithm are recursive in nature:
enumerating the vertices in a given blossom, and augmenting the matching along
a path through a blossom.
It seems natural to implement such tasks as recursive subroutines, which handle the task
for a given blossom and make recursive calls to handle sub-blossoms as necessary.
But the recursion depth of such implementations can grow to _O(n)_ in case
of deeply nested blossoms.
Deep recursion may cause problems in certain programming languages and runtime environments.
In such cases, it may be better to avoid recursive calls and instead implement an iterative
control flow with an explicit stack.
### Handling integer edge weights
If all edge weights in the input graph are integers, it is possible and often desirable
to implement the algorithm such that only integer calculations are used.
If all edge weights are integers, then all vertex dual variables _u<sub>x</sub>_
are integer multiples of 0.5, and all blossom dual variables _z<sub>B</sub>_ are integers.
Storing the vertex duals as _2\*u<sub>x</sub>_ allows all calculations to be done with integers.
Proof by induction that all vertex duals are multiples of 0.5 and all blossom duals are integers:
- Vertex duals are initialized to 0.5 times the greatest edge weight.
Blossom duals are initialized to 0.
Therefore the proposition is initially true.
- All unmatched vertices have the same dual value.
Proof: Initially all vertices have the same dual value.
All unmatched vertices have been unmatched since the beginning,
therefore always had label S in every dual variable update,
therefore always got changed by the same amount.
- Either all duals of S-vertices are integers or all duals of S-vertices are odd multiples of 0.5.
Proof: The root nodes of alternating trees are unmatched vertices which all have the same dual.
Within an alternating tree, all edges are tight, therefore all duals of vertices in the tree
differ by an integer amount, therefore either all duals are integers or all duals
are odd multiples of 0.5.
- _&delta;_ is a multiple of 0.5. Proof:
- _&delta;<sub>1</sub> = u<sub>x</sub>_ and _u<sub>x</sub>_ is a multiple of 0.5,
therefore _&delta;<sub>1</sub>_ is a mutiple of 0.5.
- _&delta;<sub>2</sub> = &pi;<sub>x,y</sub> = u<sub>x</sub> + u<sub>y</sub> - w<sub>x,y</sub>_
where _u<sub>x</sub>_ and _u<sub>y</sub>_ and _w<sub>x,y</sub>_ are multiples of 0.5,
therefore _&delta;<sub>2</sub>_ is a multiple of 0.5.
- _&delta;<sub>3</sub> = 0.5 \* &pi;<sub>x,y</sub> = 0.5 \* (u<sub>x</sub> + u<sub>y</sub> - w<sub>x,y</sub>)_.
Since _x_ and _y_ are S-vertices, either _u<sub>x</sub>_ and _u<sub>y</sub>_ are
both integers or both are odd multiples of 0.5.
In either case _u<sub>x</sub> + u<sub>y</sub>_ is an integer.
Therefore _&delta;<sub>3</sub>_ is a multiple of 0.5.
- _&delta;<sub>4</sub> = 0.5 \* z<sub>B</sub>_ where _z<sub>B</sub>_ is an integer,
therefore _&delta;<sub>4</sub>_ is a multiple of 0.5.
- Vertex duals increase or decrease by _&delta;_ which is a multiple of 0.5,
therefore updated vertex duals are still multiples of 0.5.
- Blossom duals increase or decrease by _2\*&delta;_,
therefore updated blossom duals are still integers.
The value of vertex dual variables and blossom dual variables never exceeds the
greatest edge weight in the graph.
This may be helpful for choosing an integer data type for the dual variables.
(Alternatively, choose a programming language with unlimited integer range.
This is perhaps the thing I love most about Python.)
Proof that dual variables do not exceed _max-weight_:
- Vertex dual variables start at _u<sub>x</sub> = 0.5\*max-weight_.
- While the algorithm runs, there is at least one vertex which has been unmatched
since the beginning.
This vertex has always had label S, therefore its dual always decreased by _&delta;_
during a dual variable update.
Since it started at _0.5\*max-weight_ and can not become negative,
the sum of _&delta;_ over all dual variable updates can not exceed _0.5\*max-weight_.
- Vertex dual variables increase by at most _&delta;_ per update.
Therefore no vertex dual can increase by more than _0.5\*max-weight_ in total.
Therefore no vertex dual can exceed _max-weight_.
- Blossom dual variables start at _z<sub>B</sub> = 0_.
- Blossom dual variables increase by at most _2\*&delta;_ per update.
Therefore no blossom dual can increase by more than _max-weight_ in total.
Therefore no blossom dual can exceed _max-weight_.
### Handling floating point edge weights
Floating point calculations are subject to rounding errors.
This has two consequences for the matching algorithm:
- The algorithm may return a matching which has slightly lower weight than
the actual maximum weight.
- The algorithm may not reliably recognize tight edges.
To check whether an edge is tight, its slack is compared to zero.
Rounding errors may cause the slack to appear positive even when an exact calculation
would show it to be zero.
The slack of some edges may even become slightly negative.
I believe this does not affect the correctness of the algorithm.
An edge that should be tight but is not recognized as tight due to rounding errors,
can be pulled tight through an additional dual variable update.
As side-effect of this update, the edge will immediately be used to grow the alternating tree,
or construct a blossom or augmenting path.
This mechanism allows the algorithm to make progress, even if slack comparisons
are repeatedly thrown off by rounding errors.
Rounding errors may cause the algorithm to perform more dual variable updates
than strictly necessary.
But this will still not cause the run time of the algorithm to exceed _O(n<sup>3</sup>)_.
It seems to me that the matching algorithm is stable for floating point weights.
And it seems to me that it returns a matching which is close to optimal,
and could have been optimal if edge weights were changed by small amounts.
I must admit these arguments are mostly based on intuition.
Unfortunately I don't know how to properly analyze the floating point accuracy of this algorithm.
### Finding a maximum weight matching out of all maximum cardinality matchings
It is sometimes useful to find a maximum cardinality matching which has maximum weight
out of all maximum cardinality matchings.
A simple way to achieve this is to increase the weight of all edges by the same amount.
In general, a maximum weight matching is not necessarily a maximum cardinality matching.
However if all edge weights are at least _n_ times the difference between
the maximum and minimum edge weight, any maximum weight matching is guaranteed
to have maximum cardinality.
The weight of a non-maximum-cardinality matching can be increased by matching
an additional edge.
In order to match that extra edge, some high-weight edges may have to be removed from
the matching.
Their place might be taken low-weight edges.
But even if all previously matched edges had maximum weight, and all newly matched edges
have minimum weight, the weight of the matching will still increase.
Changing all edge weights by the same amount does not change the relative preference
for a certain groups of edges over another group of the same size.
Therefore, given that we only consider maximum-cardinality matchings,
changing all weights by the same amount doesn't change which of these matchings has maximum weight.
## References