Fork 0

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#include <vector>
#include "SoftFM.h"
/** Fine tuner which shifts the frequency of an IQ signal by a fixed offset. */
class FineTuner
* Construct fine tuner.
* table_size :: Size of internal sin/cos tables, determines the resolution
* of the frequency shift.
* freq_shift :: Frequency shift. Signal frequency will be shifted by
* (sample_rate * freq_shift / table_size).
FineTuner(unsigned int table_size, int freq_shift);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in, IQSampleVector& samples_out);
unsigned int m_index;
IQSampleVector m_table;
/** Low-pass filter for IQ samples, based on Lanczos FIR filter. */
class LowPassFilterFirIQ
* Construct low-pass filter.
* filter_order :: FIR filter order.
* cutoff :: Cutoff frequency relative to the full sample rate
* (valid range 0.0 ... 0.5).
LowPassFilterFirIQ(unsigned int filter_order, double cutoff);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in, IQSampleVector& samples_out);
std::vector<IQSample::value_type> m_coeff;
IQSampleVector m_state;
* Downsampler with low-pass FIR filter for real-valued signals.
* Step 1: Low-pass filter based on Lanczos FIR filter
* Step 2: (optional) Decimation by an arbitrary factor (integer or float)
class DownsampleFilter
* Construct low-pass filter with optional downsampling.
* filter_order :: FIR filter order
* cutoff :: Cutoff frequency relative to the full input sample rate
* (valid range 0.0 .. 0.5)
* downsample :: Decimation factor (>= 1) or 1 to disable
* integer_factor :: Enables a faster and more precise algorithm that
* only works for integer downsample factors.
* The output sample rate is (input_sample_rate / downsample)
DownsampleFilter(unsigned int filter_order, double cutoff,
double downsample=1, bool integer_factor=true);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const SampleVector& samples_in, SampleVector& samples_out);
double m_downsample;
unsigned int m_downsample_int;
unsigned int m_pos_int;
Sample m_pos_frac;
SampleVector m_coeff;
SampleVector m_state;
/** First order low-pass IIR filter for real-valued signals. */
class LowPassFilterRC
* Construct 1st order low-pass IIR filter.
* timeconst :: RC time constant in seconds (1 / (2 * PI * cutoff_freq)
LowPassFilterRC(double timeconst);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const SampleVector& samples_in, SampleVector& samples_out);
/** Process samples in-place. */
void process_inplace(SampleVector& samples);
double m_timeconst;
Sample m_y1;
/** Low-pass filter for real-valued signals based on Butterworth IIR filter. */
class LowPassFilterIir
* Construct 4th order low-pass IIR filter.
* cutoff :: Low-pass cutoff relative to the sample frequency
* (valid range 0.0 .. 0.5, 0.5 = Nyquist)
LowPassFilterIir(double cutoff);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const SampleVector& samples_in, SampleVector& samples_out);
Sample b0, a1, a2, a3, a4;
Sample y1, y2, y3, y4;
/** High-pass filter for real-valued signals based on Butterworth IIR filter. */
class HighPassFilterIir
* Construct 2nd order high-pass IIR filter.
* cutoff :: High-pass cutoff relative to the sample frequency
* (valid range 0.0 .. 0.5, 0.5 = Nyquist)
HighPassFilterIir(double cutoff);
/** Process samples. */
void process(const SampleVector& samples_in, SampleVector& samples_out);
/** Process samples in-place. */
void process_inplace(SampleVector& samples);
Sample b0, b1, b2, a1, a2;
Sample x1, x2, y1, y2;