Fork 0

Add notes. Start building Python module with useful algorithms.

This commit is contained in:
Joris van Rantwijk 2014-01-05 16:33:05 +01:00
parent c71a39d3d2
commit d4e12c75ce
4 changed files with 215 additions and 103 deletions

NOTES.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
This file contains random notitions
Sample rates between 301000 Hz and 900000 Hz (inclusive) are not supported.
They cause an invalid configuration of the RTL chip.
rsamp_ratio = 28.8 MHz * 2**22 / sample_rate
If bit 27 and bit 28 of rsamp_ratio are different, the RTL chip malfunctions.
The RTL chip has a configurable 32-tap FIR filter.
RTL-SDR currently configures it for cutoff at 1.2 MHz (2.4 MS/s).
Casual test of ADC errors:
* DC offset in order of 1 code step
* I/Q gain mismatch in order of 4%
* I/Q phase mismatch in order of 1% of sample interval

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@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
* (experiment) measure raw signal for radio3, radio4 for ~ 1 minute
* different gain settings
* with/without RTL AGC mode
* with several IF gain settings
* confirm theories about effect of gain, IF gain, AGC
* look for effect of gain on baseband SNR
* look for effect of ADC calibration on baseband SNR
* look for effect of IF bandwidth on baseband SNR
* (experiment) try if RTL2832 FIR filter can be optimized
* (feature) support 'M' 'k' suffixes for sample rates and tuning frequency
* (feature) implement off-line FM decoder in Python for experimentation
* (feature) implement stereo pilot pulse-per-second
* (quality) consider DC offset calibration
* (speedup) maybe replace high-order FIR downsampling filter with 2nd order butterworth followed by lower order FIR filter

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@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
Test PLL algorithm.
Usage: testpll.py baseband.dat centerfreq bandwidth > output.dat
baseband.dat Raw 16-bit signed little-endian sample stream
centerfreq Center frequency relative to sample frequency (0.5 = Nyquist)
bandwidth Approximate bandwidth of PLL relative to sample frequency
output.dat ASCII file with space-separated data
import sys
import numpy
def pll(d, centerfreq, bandwidth):
minfreq = (centerfreq - bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
maxfreq = (centerfreq + bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
w = bandwidth * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_a = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-1.146*w), numpy.exp(-5.331*w) ])
phasor_b = numpy.array([ sum(phasor_a) ])
loopfilter_b = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-0.1153*w) ])
loopfilter_b *= 0.62 * w
n = len(d)
y = numpy.zeros(n)
phasei = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseq = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseerr = numpy.zeros(n)
freq = numpy.zeros(n)
phase = numpy.zeros(n)
freq[0] = centerfreq * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_i1 = phasor_i2 = 0
phasor_q1 = phasor_q2 = 0
loopfilter_x1 = 0
for i in xrange(n):
psin = numpy.sin(phase[i])
pcos = numpy.cos(phase[i])
y[i] = pcos
pi = pcos * d[i]
pq = psin * d[i]
pi = phasor_b[0] * pi - phasor_a[1] * phasor_i1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_i2
pq = phasor_b[0] * pq - phasor_a[1] * phasor_q1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_q2
phasor_i2 = phasor_i1
phasor_i1 = pi
phasor_q2 = phasor_q1
phasor_q1 = pq
phasei[i] = pi
phaseq[i] = pq
if pi > abs(pq):
perr = pq / pi
elif pq > 0:
perr = 1
perr = -1
phaseerr[i] = perr
dfreq = loopfilter_b[0] * perr + loopfilter_b[1] * loopfilter_x1
loopfilter_x1 = perr
if i + 1 < n:
freq[i+1] = min(maxfreq, max(minfreq, freq[i] - dfreq))
p = phase[i] + freq[i+1]
if p > 2 * numpy.pi: p -= 2 * numpy.pi
if p < -2 * numpy.pi: p += 2 * numpy.pi
phase[i+1] = p
return y, phasei, phaseq, phaseerr, freq, phase
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
infile = sys.argv[1]
centerfreq = float(sys.argv[2])
bandwidth = float(sys.argv[3])
d = numpy.fromfile(infile, '<i2')
d = d.astype(numpy.float64) / 32767.0
(y, phasei, phaseq, phaseerr, freq, phase) = pll(d, centerfreq, bandwidth)
print '#output phasei, phaseq, phaseerr freq phase'
for i in xrange(len(y)):
print y[i], phasei[i], phaseq[i], phaseerr[i], freq[i], phase[i]
if __name__ == '__main__':

pyfm.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Test lab for FM decoding algorithms.
import sys
import types
import numpy
import numpy.fft
def readRawSamples(fname):
"""Read raw sample file from rtl_sdr."""
d = numpy.fromfile(fname, dtype=numpy.uint8)
d = d.astype(numpy.float64)
d = (d - 128) / 128.0
return d[::2] - 1j * d[1::2]
def lazyRawSamples(fname, blocklen):
"""Return generator over blocks of raw samples."""
f = file(fname, 'rb')
while 1:
d = f.read(2 * blocklen)
if len(d) < 2 * blocklen:
d = numpy.fromstring(d, dtype=numpy.uint8)
d = d.astype(numpy.float64)
d = (d - 128) / 128.0
yield d[::2] - 1j * d[1::2]
def freqShiftIQ(d, freqshift):
"""Shift frequency by multiplication with complex phasor."""
def g(d, freqshift):
p = 0
for b in d:
n = len(b)
w = numpy.exp((numpy.arange(n) + p) * (2j * numpy.pi * freqshift))
p += n
yield b * w
if isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
return g(d, freqshift)
n = len(d)
w = numpy.exp(numpy.arange(n) * (2j * numpy.pi * freqshift))
return d * w
def spectrum(d, fs=1, nfft=None, sortfreq=False):
"""Calculate Welch-style power spectral density.
fs :: sample rate, default to 1
nfft :: FFT length, default to block length
sortfreq :: True to put negative freqs in front of positive freqs
Use Hann window with 50% overlap.
Return (freq, Pxx)."""
if not isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
d = [ d ]
prev = None
if nfft is not None:
assert nfft > 0
w = numpy.hanning(nfft)
q = numpy.zeros(nfft)
pos = 0
i = 0
for b in d:
if nfft is None:
nfft = len(b)
assert nfft > 0
w = numpy.hanning(nfft)
q = numpy.zeros(nfft)
while pos + nfft <= len(b):
if pos < 0:
t = numpy.concatenate((prev[pos:], b[:pos+nfft]))
t = b[pos:pos+nfft]
t *= w
tq = numpy.fft.fft(t)
tq *= numpy.conj(tq)
q += numpy.real(tq)
del t
del tq
pos += (nfft+(i%2)) // 2
i += 1
pos -= len(b)
if pos + len(b) > 0:
prev = b
prev = numpy.concatenate((prev[pos+len(b):], b))
if i > 0:
q /= (i * numpy.sum(numpy.square(w)) * fs)
f = numpy.arange(nfft) * (fs / float(nfft))
f[nfft//2:] -= fs
if sortfreq:
f = numpy.concatenate((f[nfft//2:], f[:nfft//2]))
q = numpy.concatenate((q[nfft//2:], q[:nfft//2]))
return f, q
def pll(d, centerfreq, bandwidth):
minfreq = (centerfreq - bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
maxfreq = (centerfreq + bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
w = bandwidth * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_a = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-1.146*w), numpy.exp(-5.331*w) ])
phasor_b = numpy.array([ sum(phasor_a) ])
loopfilter_b = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-0.1153*w) ])
loopfilter_b *= 0.62 * w
n = len(d)
y = numpy.zeros(n)
phasei = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseq = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseerr = numpy.zeros(n)
freq = numpy.zeros(n)
phase = numpy.zeros(n)
freq[0] = centerfreq * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_i1 = phasor_i2 = 0
phasor_q1 = phasor_q2 = 0
loopfilter_x1 = 0
for i in xrange(n):
psin = numpy.sin(phase[i])
pcos = numpy.cos(phase[i])
y[i] = pcos
pi = pcos * d[i]
pq = psin * d[i]
pi = phasor_b[0] * pi - phasor_a[1] * phasor_i1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_i2
pq = phasor_b[0] * pq - phasor_a[1] * phasor_q1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_q2
phasor_i2 = phasor_i1
phasor_i1 = pi
phasor_q2 = phasor_q1
phasor_q1 = pq
phasei[i] = pi
phaseq[i] = pq
if pi > abs(pq):
perr = pq / pi
elif pq > 0:
perr = 1
perr = -1
phaseerr[i] = perr
dfreq = loopfilter_b[0] * perr + loopfilter_b[1] * loopfilter_x1
loopfilter_x1 = perr
if i + 1 < n:
freq[i+1] = min(maxfreq, max(minfreq, freq[i] - dfreq))
p = phase[i] + freq[i+1]
if p > 2 * numpy.pi: p -= 2 * numpy.pi
if p < -2 * numpy.pi: p += 2 * numpy.pi
phase[i+1] = p
return y, phasei, phaseq, phaseerr, freq, phase