Fork 0

362 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include "FmDecode.h"
using namespace std;
/** Fast approximation of atan function. */
static inline Sample fast_atan(Sample x)
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7378187/approximating-inverse-trigonometric-funcions
Sample y = 1;
Sample p = 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = -x;
y = -1;
if (x > 1) {
p = y;
y = -y;
x = 1 / x;
const Sample b = 0.596227;
y *= (b*x + x*x) / (1 + 2*b*x + x*x);
return (y + p) * Sample(M_PI_2);
/** Compute RMS level over a small prefix of the specified sample vector. */
static IQSample::value_type rms_level_approx(const IQSampleVector& samples)
unsigned int n = samples.size();
n = (n + 63) / 64;
IQSample::value_type level = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const IQSample& s = samples[i];
IQSample::value_type re = s.real(), im = s.imag();
level += re * re + im * im;
return sqrt(level / n);
/* **************** class PhaseDiscriminator **************** */
// Construct phase discriminator.
PhaseDiscriminator::PhaseDiscriminator(double max_freq_dev)
: m_freq_scale_factor(1.0 / (max_freq_dev * 2.0 * M_PI))
{ }
// Process samples.
void PhaseDiscriminator::process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
IQSample s0 = m_last_sample;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
IQSample s1(samples_in[i]);
IQSample d(conj(s0) * s1);
// TODO : implement fast approximation of atan2
Sample w = atan2(d.imag(), d.real());
samples_out[i] = w * m_freq_scale_factor;
s0 = s1;
m_last_sample = s0;
/* **************** class PilotPhaseLock **************** */
// Construct phase-locked loop.
PilotPhaseLock::PilotPhaseLock(double freq, double bandwidth, double minsignal)
2013-12-30 11:22:21 +01:00
* This is a type-2, 4th order phase-locked loop.
* Open-loop transfer function:
* G(z) = K * (z - q1) / ((z - p1) * (z - p2) * (z - 1) * (z - 1))
* K = 3.788 * (bandwidth * 2 * Pi)**3
* q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2*Pi)
* p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2*Pi)
* p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2*Pi)
2013-12-30 11:22:21 +01:00
* I don't understand what I'm doing; hopefully it will work.
2013-12-30 11:22:21 +01:00
// Set min/max locking frequencies.
m_minfreq = (freq - bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI;
m_maxfreq = (freq + bandwidth) * 2.0 * M_PI;
// Set valid signal threshold.
m_minsignal = minsignal;
m_lock_delay = int(10.0 / bandwidth);
m_lock_cnt = 0;
m_pilot_level = 0;
// Create 2nd order filter for I/Q representation of phase error.
// Filter has two poles, unit DC gain.
double p1 = exp(-1.146 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI);
double p2 = exp(-5.331 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI);
m_phasor_a1 = - p1 - p2;
m_phasor_a2 = p1 * p2;
2013-12-30 11:22:21 +01:00
m_phasor_b0 = 1 + m_phasor_a1 + m_phasor_a2;
// Create loop filter to stabilize the loop.
double q1 = exp(-0.1153 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI);
m_loopfilter_b0 = 0.62 * bandwidth * 2.0 * M_PI;
m_loopfilter_b1 = - m_loopfilter_b0 * q1;
2013-12-30 11:22:21 +01:00
// After the loop filter, the phase error is integrated to produce
// the frequency. Then the frequency is integrated to produce the phase.
// These integrators form the two remaining poles, both at z = 1.
// Initialize frequency and phase.
m_freq = freq * 2.0 * M_PI;
m_phase = 0;
m_phasor_i1 = 0;
m_phasor_i2 = 0;
m_phasor_q1 = 0;
m_phasor_q2 = 0;
m_loopfilter_x1 = 0;
// Process samples.
void PilotPhaseLock::process(const SampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& samples_out)
unsigned int n = samples_in.size();
if (n > 0)
m_pilot_level = 1000.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Generate locked pilot tone.
Sample psin = sin(m_phase);
Sample pcos = cos(m_phase);
// Generate double-frequency output.
// sin(2*x) = 2 * sin(x) * cos(x)
samples_out[i] = 2 * psin * pcos;
// Multiply locked tone with input.
Sample x = samples_in[i];
Sample phasor_i = psin * x;
Sample phasor_q = pcos * x;
// Run IQ phase error through low-pass filter.
phasor_i = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_i
- m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_i1
- m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_i2;
phasor_q = m_phasor_b0 * phasor_q
- m_phasor_a1 * m_phasor_q1
- m_phasor_a2 * m_phasor_q2;
m_phasor_i2 = m_phasor_i1;
m_phasor_i1 = phasor_i;
m_phasor_q2 = m_phasor_q1;
m_phasor_q1 = phasor_q;
// Convert I/Q ratio to estimate of phase error.
Sample phase_err;
if (phasor_i > abs(phasor_q)) {
// We are within +/- 45 degrees from lock.
// Use simple linear approximation of arctan.
phase_err = phasor_q / phasor_i;
} else if (phasor_q > 0) {
// We are lagging more than 45 degrees behind the input.
phase_err = 1;
} else {
// We are more than 45 degrees ahead of the input.
phase_err = -1;
// Detect pilot level (conservative).
m_pilot_level = min(m_pilot_level, phasor_i);
// Run phase error through loop filter and update frequency estimate.
m_freq += m_loopfilter_b0 * phase_err
+ m_loopfilter_b1 * m_loopfilter_x1;
m_loopfilter_x1 = phase_err;
// Limit frequency to allowable range.
m_freq = max(m_minfreq, min(m_maxfreq, m_freq));
// Update locked phase.
m_phase += m_freq;
if (m_phase > 2.0 * M_PI)
m_phase -= 2.0 * M_PI;
// Update lock status.
if (2 * m_pilot_level > m_minsignal) {
if (m_lock_cnt < m_lock_delay)
m_lock_cnt += n;
} else {
m_lock_cnt = 0;
/* **************** class FmDecoder **************** */
FmDecoder::FmDecoder(double sample_rate_if,
double tuning_offset,
double sample_rate_pcm,
bool stereo,
double deemphasis,
double bandwidth_if,
double freq_dev,
double bandwidth_pcm,
unsigned int downsample)
// Initialize member fields
: m_sample_rate_if(sample_rate_if)
, m_tuning_table_size(64)
, m_tuning_shift(lrint(-64.0 * tuning_offset / sample_rate_if))
, m_freq_dev(freq_dev)
, m_downsample(downsample)
, m_stereo_enabled(stereo)
, m_stereo_detected(false)
, m_if_level(0)
, m_baseband_mean(0)
, m_baseband_level(0)
// Construct FineTuner
, m_finetuner(m_tuning_table_size, m_tuning_shift)
// Construct LowPassFilterFirIQ
, m_iffilter(10, bandwidth_if / sample_rate_if)
// Construct PhaseDiscriminator
, m_phasedisc(freq_dev / sample_rate_if)
// Construct DownsampleFilter for baseband
, m_resample_baseband(8 * downsample, 0.4 / downsample, downsample, true)
// Construct PilotPhaseLock
, m_pilotpll(19000 * downsample / sample_rate_if, // freq
50 * downsample / sample_rate_if, // bandwidth
0.04) // minsignal
// Construct DownsampleFilter for mono channel
, m_resample_mono(
int(sample_rate_if / downsample / 1000.0), // filter_order
bandwidth_pcm * downsample / sample_rate_if, // cutoff
sample_rate_if / downsample / sample_rate_pcm, // downsample
false) // integer_factor
// Construct DownsampleFilter for stereo channel
, m_resample_stereo(
int(sample_rate_if / downsample / 1000.0), // filter_order
bandwidth_pcm * downsample / sample_rate_if, // cutoff
sample_rate_if / downsample / sample_rate_pcm, // downsample
false) // integer_factor
// Construct HighPassFilterIir
, m_dcblock_mono(30.0 / sample_rate_pcm)
// Construct LowwPassFilterRC
, m_deemph_mono((deemphasis == 0) ? 1.0 : (deemphasis * sample_rate_pcm * 1.0e-6))
// nothing more to do
void FmDecoder::process(const IQSampleVector& samples_in,
SampleVector& audio)
// Fine tuning.
m_finetuner.process(samples_in, m_buf_iftuned);
// Low pass filter to isolate station.
m_iffilter.process(m_buf_iftuned, m_buf_iffiltered);
// Measure IF level.
double if_rms = rms_level_approx(m_buf_iffiltered);
m_if_level = 0.95 * m_if_level + 0.05 * if_rms;
// Extract carrier frequency.
m_phasedisc.process(m_buf_iffiltered, m_buf_baseband);
// Downsample baseband signal to reduce processing.
if (m_downsample > 1) {
SampleVector tmp(move(m_buf_baseband));
m_resample_baseband.process(tmp, m_buf_baseband);
// Measure baseband level.
double baseband_mean, baseband_rms;
samples_mean_rms(m_buf_baseband, baseband_mean, baseband_rms);
m_baseband_mean = 0.95 * m_baseband_mean + 0.05 * baseband_mean;
m_baseband_level = 0.95 * m_baseband_level + 0.05 * baseband_rms;
// Extract mono audio signal.
m_resample_mono.process(m_buf_baseband, m_buf_mono);
// DC blocking and de-emphasis.
if (m_stereo_enabled) {
// Lock on stereo pilot.
m_pilotpll.process(m_buf_baseband, m_buf_rawstereo);
m_stereo_detected = m_pilotpll.locked();
if (m_stereo_enabled) {
// Demodulate stereo signal.
demod_stereo(m_buf_baseband, m_buf_rawstereo);
// Extract audio and downsample.
m_resample_stereo.process(m_buf_rawstereo, m_buf_stereo);
// TODO : filters
// TODO : stereo mixing
audio = move(m_buf_mono);
// Demodulate stereo L-R signal.
void FmDecoder::demod_stereo(const SampleVector& samples_baseband,
SampleVector& samples_rawstereo)
// Just multiply the baseband signal with the double-frequency pilot.
// And multiply by two to get the full amplitude.
// That's all.
unsigned int n = samples_baseband.size();
assert(n == samples_rawstereo.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
samples_rawstereo[i] *= 2 * samples_baseband[i];
/* end */