Fork 0

367 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Test lab for FM decoding algorithms.
import sys
import types
import numpy
import numpy.fft
import numpy.linalg
import numpy.random
import scipy.signal
def readRawSamples(fname):
"""Read raw sample file from rtl_sdr."""
d = numpy.fromfile(fname, dtype=numpy.uint8)
d = d.astype(numpy.float64)
d = (d - 128) / 128.0
return d[::2] + 1j * d[1::2]
def lazyRawSamples(fname, blocklen):
"""Return generator over blocks of raw samples."""
f = file(fname, 'rb')
while 1:
d = f.read(2 * blocklen)
if len(d) < 2 * blocklen:
d = numpy.fromstring(d, dtype=numpy.uint8)
d = d.astype(numpy.float64)
d = (d - 128) / 128.0
yield d[::2] + 1j * d[1::2]
def freqShiftIQ(d, freqshift):
"""Shift frequency by multiplication with complex phasor."""
def g(d, freqshift):
p = 0
for b in d:
n = len(b)
w = numpy.exp((numpy.arange(n) + p) * (2j * numpy.pi * freqshift))
p += n
yield b * w
if isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
return g(d, freqshift)
n = len(d)
w = numpy.exp(numpy.arange(n) * (2j * numpy.pi * freqshift))
return d * w
def firFilter(d, coeff):
"""Apply FIR filter to sample stream."""
# lazy version
def g(d, coeff):
prev = None
for b in d:
if prev is None:
yield scipy.signal.lfilter(coeff, 1, b)
prev = b
k = min(len(prev), len(coeff))
x = numpy.concatenate((prev[-k:], b))
y = scipy.signal.lfilter(coeff, 1, x)
yield y[k:]
if len(coeff) > len(b):
prev = x
prev = b
if isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
return g(d, coeff)
return scipy.signal.lfilter(coeff, 1, d)
def quadratureDetector(d, fs):
"""FM frequency detector based on quadrature demodulation.
Return an array of real-valued numbers, representing frequencies in Hz."""
k = fs / (2 * numpy.pi)
# lazy version
def g(d):
prev = None
for b in d:
if prev is not None:
x = numpy.concatenate((prev[1:], b[:1]))
yield numpy.angle(x * prev.conj()) * k
prev = b
yield numpy.angle(prev[1:] * prev[:-1].conj()) * k
if isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
return g(d)
return numpy.angle(d[1:] * d[:-1].conj()) * k
def modulateFm(sig, fs, fcenter=0):
"""Create an FM modulated IQ signal.
sig :: modulation signal, values in Hz
fs :: sample rate in Hz
fcenter :: center frequency in Hz
return numpy.exp(2j * numpy.pi * (sig + fcenter).cumsum() / fs)
def spectrum(d, fs=1, nfft=None, sortfreq=False):
"""Calculate Welch-style power spectral density.
fs :: sample rate, default to 1
nfft :: FFT length, default to block length
sortfreq :: True to put negative freqs in front of positive freqs
Use Hann window with 50% overlap.
Return (freq, Pxx)."""
if not isinstance(d, types.GeneratorType):
d = [ d ]
prev = None
if nfft is not None:
assert nfft > 0
w = numpy.hanning(nfft)
q = numpy.zeros(nfft)
pos = 0
i = 0
for b in d:
if nfft is None:
nfft = len(b)
assert nfft > 0
w = numpy.hanning(nfft)
q = numpy.zeros(nfft)
while pos + nfft <= len(b):
if pos < 0:
t = numpy.concatenate((prev[pos:], b[:pos+nfft]))
t = b[pos:pos+nfft]
t *= w
tq = numpy.fft.fft(t)
tq *= numpy.conj(tq)
q += numpy.real(tq)
del t
del tq
pos += (nfft+(i%2)) // 2
i += 1
pos -= len(b)
if pos + len(b) > 0:
prev = b
prev = numpy.concatenate((prev[pos+len(b):], b))
if i > 0:
q /= (i * numpy.sum(numpy.square(w)) * fs)
f = numpy.arange(nfft) * (fs / float(nfft))
f[nfft//2:] -= fs
if sortfreq:
f = numpy.concatenate((f[nfft//2:], f[:nfft//2]))
q = numpy.concatenate((q[nfft//2:], q[:nfft//2]))
return f, q
def pll(d, centerfreq, bandwidth):
2014-01-05 22:02:08 +01:00
"""Simulate the stereo pilot PLL."""
minfreq = (centerfreq - bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
maxfreq = (centerfreq + bandwidth) * 2 * numpy.pi
w = bandwidth * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_a = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-1.146*w), numpy.exp(-5.331*w) ])
phasor_b = numpy.array([ sum(phasor_a) ])
loopfilter_b = numpy.poly([ numpy.exp(-0.1153*w) ])
loopfilter_b *= 0.62 * w
n = len(d)
y = numpy.zeros(n)
phasei = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseq = numpy.zeros(n)
phaseerr = numpy.zeros(n)
freq = numpy.zeros(n)
phase = numpy.zeros(n)
freq[0] = centerfreq * 2 * numpy.pi
phasor_i1 = phasor_i2 = 0
phasor_q1 = phasor_q2 = 0
loopfilter_x1 = 0
for i in xrange(n):
psin = numpy.sin(phase[i])
pcos = numpy.cos(phase[i])
y[i] = pcos
pi = pcos * d[i]
pq = psin * d[i]
pi = phasor_b[0] * pi - phasor_a[1] * phasor_i1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_i2
pq = phasor_b[0] * pq - phasor_a[1] * phasor_q1 - phasor_a[2] * phasor_q2
phasor_i2 = phasor_i1
phasor_i1 = pi
phasor_q2 = phasor_q1
phasor_q1 = pq
phasei[i] = pi
phaseq[i] = pq
if pi > abs(pq):
perr = pq / pi
elif pq > 0:
perr = 1
perr = -1
phaseerr[i] = perr
dfreq = loopfilter_b[0] * perr + loopfilter_b[1] * loopfilter_x1
loopfilter_x1 = perr
if i + 1 < n:
freq[i+1] = min(maxfreq, max(minfreq, freq[i] - dfreq))
p = phase[i] + freq[i+1]
if p > 2 * numpy.pi: p -= 2 * numpy.pi
if p < -2 * numpy.pi: p += 2 * numpy.pi
phase[i+1] = p
return y, phasei, phaseq, phaseerr, freq, phase
def pilotLevel(d, fs, freqshift, nfft=None, bw=150.0e3):
"""Calculate level of the 19 kHz pilot vs noise floor in the guard band.
d :: block of raw I/Q samples or lazy I/Q sample stream
fs :: sample frequency in Hz
nfft :: FFT length
freqshift :: frequency offset in Hz
bw :: half-bandwidth of IF signal in Hz
Return (pilot_power, guard_floor, noise)
where pilot_power is the power of the pilot tone in dB
guard_floor is the noise floor in the guard band in dB/Hz
noise is guard_floor - pilot_power in dB/Hz
# Shift frequency
if freqshift != 0:
d = freqShiftIQ(d, freqshift / float(fs))
# Filter
b = scipy.signal.firwin(31, 2.0 * bw / fs, window='nuttall')
d = firFilter(d, b)
# Demodulate FM.
d = quadratureDetector(d, fs)
# Power spectral density.
f, q = spectrum(d, fs=fs, nfft=nfft, sortfreq=False)
# Locate 19 kHz bin.
k19 = int(19.0e3 * len(q) / fs)
kw = 5 + int(100.0 * len(q) / fs)
k19 = k19 - kw + numpy.argmax(q[k19-kw:k19+kw])
# Calculate pilot power.
p19 = numpy.sum(q[k19-1:k19+2]) * fs * 1.5 / len(q)
# Calculate noise floor in guard band.
k17 = int(17.0e3 * len(q) / fs)
k18 = int(18.0e3 * len(q) / fs)
guard = numpy.mean(q[k17:k18])
p19db = 10 * numpy.log10(p19)
guarddb = 10 * numpy.log10(guard)
return (p19db, guarddb, guarddb - p19db)
def modulateAndReconstruct(sigfreq, sigampl, nsampl, fs, noisebw=None, ifbw=None, ifnoise=0, ifdownsamp=1):
"""Create a pure sine wave, modulate to FM, add noise, filter, demodulate.
sigfreq :: frequency of sine wave in Hz
sigampl :: amplitude of sine wave in Hz (carrier swing)
nsampl :: number of samples
fs :: sample rate in Hz
noisebw :: calculate noise after demodulation over this bandwidth
ifbw :: IF filter bandwidth in Hz, or None for no filtering
ifnoise :: IF noise level
ifdownsamp :: downsample factor before demodulation
Return (ampl, phase, noise)
where ampl is the amplitude of the reconstructed sine wave (~ sigampl)
phase is the phase shift after reconstruction
noise is the standard deviation of noise in the reconstructed signal
# Make sine wave.
sig0 = sigampl * numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*sigfreq/fs * numpy.arange(nsampl))
# Modulate to IF.
fm = modulateFm(sig0, fs=fs, fcenter=0)
# Add noise.
if ifnoise:
fm += numpy.sqrt(0.5) * numpy.random.normal(0, ifnoise, nsampl)
fm += 1j * numpy.sqrt(0.5) * numpy.random.normal(0, ifnoise, nsampl)
# Filter IF.
if ifbw is not None:
b = scipy.signal.firwin(101, 2.0 * ifbw / fs, window='nuttall')
fm = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, 1, fm)
fm = fm[61:]
# Downsample IF.
fs1 = fs
if ifdownsamp != 1:
fm = fm[::ifdownsamp]
fs1 = fs / ifdownsamp
# Demodulate.
sig1 = quadratureDetector(fm, fs=fs1)
# Fit original sine wave.
k = len(sig1)
m = numpy.zeros((k, 3))
m[:,0] = numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*sigfreq/fs1 * (numpy.arange(k) + nsampl - k))
m[:,1] = numpy.cos(2*numpy.pi*sigfreq/fs1 * (numpy.arange(k) + nsampl - k))
m[:,2] = 1
fit = numpy.linalg.lstsq(m, sig1)
csin, ccos, coffset = fit[0]
del fit
# Calculate amplitude, phase.
ampl1 = numpy.sqrt(csin**2 + ccos**2)
phase1 = numpy.arctan2(-ccos, csin)
# Calculate residual noise.
res1 = sig1 - m[:,0] * csin - m[:,1] * ccos
if noisebw is not None:
b = scipy.signal.firwin(101, 2.0 * noisebw / fs1, window='nuttall')
res1 = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, 1, res1)
noise1 = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(res1 ** 2))
return ampl1, phase1, noise1