#!/bin/sh # # Script to run the remote control server. # PIDFILE=/var/run/puzzlefw_remotectl.pid # Redirect output to console. exec &> /dev/console # Get MAC address without ':' separators. serialnr=$(tr -d : < /sys/class/net/eth0/address) # Run remote control server. /opt/puzzlefw/bin/remotectl --serialnr $serialnr & serverpid=$! # Write PID file. echo $serverpid > $PIDFILE # Wait until server exits. wait $serverpid status=$? rm -f $PIDFILE echo "Remote control server ended with status=${status}" if [ $status -eq 10 ]; then # Got command HALT. echo "Halting system". halt fi if [ $status -eq 11 ]; then # Got command REBOOT. reboot fi